Hansen Tid Bits from 2008!
Dave~ He’s had a transition year! Dave became a dad to son #2 to start the year off. He traveled to Haiti for a mission trip in February, took us on a vacation to Branson, MO in April, had his last soccer season at Longfellow, started a new job at Dolly’s Tickets Inc in May, and played on 2 softball teams through out the summer. Of course Dave has found time for Vikings games this season and plenty of time to hang out with the family!
Jess~ My biggest highlight has been adding baby Austin to our little family. I’ve spent this last year adjusting to life with two children (which I love!), sending Jaxon off to preschool (which was hard, but good too), working part time for Dolly’s Tickets Inc, volunteering at Orchard Hill church still, and sneaking in some time to spend with friends! My favorite days are usually spent outside with the kids either at the pool or in the yard!
Jaxon~ He’s had a pretty big year too! Jaxon became a big brother and it is one job he does very well!! He took swimming lessons, went to two VBS’s, started preschool, and is keeping busy just being a fun four year old! He’s really into football these days, numbers and counting, talking and being with people, Peter Pan and pirates, and anything that has to do with a ball. He is our social butterfly and almost always has a big smile on his face! He will be 5 in March!
This time of year is a reminder that our Savior, Jesus, was born to bring joy, peace, and grace to all of us! We hope you find all these things for yourself in 2009! We wish you many blessings...have a great holiday season!!!
~The Hansen's