Monday, November 25, 2013

this will make you smile

Friday, November 8, 2013

it was apple season here!

We have lived in our home for almost 10 years now and never have we had a supply of apples from our back-yard trees like this year. It was so awesome. The best part...not sprayed with anything and they tasted good! We have some bee friends who joined our neighborhood awhile ago and I think our little busy friends did a pretty good job this year! I think we'll be happy to have them stay...

 This kid picked apple after apple after apple...

 The trees just kept producing and we couldn't even use them fast enough.

 Hauling in baskets of your own fresh produce from your yard might be one of the best feelings as a food consumer!

 No really, we had a.lot.of.apples.

 What a gift to feed our family and our neighbors and our baby girl this winter!

 A sight to see... this outdoors loving boy climbing the apple trees and bringing me many arms full looking like this...

 Carson was all about the cooking process. 

 We spent afternoons making applesauce, babyfood, apple pies, apple crisp, apple muffins... you name it, we probably tried it this year.

 This was a wedding gift. And most days it collects dust in my cupboards, but it showed off in style this fall! (Thank you, Russell family :)

And some how I have no final product pictures. So I leave you with this...a bowl full of peelings that tell me apples and this house of six will be enjoying sweet treats all winter!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

at this moment

So many days go by and I can hardly keep up with each new stage that seems to creep into our home. Kids are growing, changing, and transitioning all the time here. So for this moment today...a quick glimpse at where they are for a moment.

Savannah Grace, ready to be moving. She loves scooting around the floor and is up on all fours just a rock'in. She'll be crawling soon and for right now she loves her little toys, face time on the floor, and her yoga moves as I call them :) What a sweet pea.

Carson Benjamin, like a big elephant in a china shop. His little feet hardly keep up with his brain and he literally runs from one thing to the next. He no doubt loves the outdoors, his pet chickens, his binkie and his blankie. He also has a shoe/boot obsession right now. So these pictures catch a rare moment of him sitting still with his feathered friend and all his favorites attached to him.

Austin David, oh how you have come to love school! This kid has grown leaps and bounds in the last 6 months. Learning so much at kindergarten, being a good friend, and an eager learner. He went on his first field trip to Safety City and loved all of it. Every day almost you make me or Mrs. Fegley a picture and always have such good things to say ab out school. Love a little learner!

Jaxon Michael, you are all about the friends these days. Friends and football fuel your passions at the moment. Our little social bug and always up for a get together, play-date, party, or sleep-over. And if you boys aren't being loud and goofy and competitive when you are over here at our house, then I know something is wrong :) You are showing me what boys are all about...

That's the Hansen crew...for this moment.