Monday, November 29, 2010

Dragon Boats

My computer is needing worked on, so for the time being I can not upload my pictures... so you will have to enjoy some posts with previous happenings at the Hansen's rather then current! I can't believe I forgot (but could believe didn't have time to!) to post about Dave's dragon boat races! This last May, Dave paddled away with some of the gang from his office and his sister and brother in law. It was actually a lot more fun day then I had anticipated :) I think they are going to give it another round this year, so come on out last weekend in May if you want to hang by the water's edge and cheer on his team at the races!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Learn and Play

Our Learn and Play group usually meets today, but we took the week off for Thanksgiving! My computer is being dumb, so I have about 5 more pictures of the crew during small motor play time, carpet time, practicing being in their line, snack time, and music time! Austin LOVES having his friends come for Learn and Play time and the group is really a very awesome bunch of kids! We've had fun this fall doing fall activities, learning our new routine, making friends, and learning to be more and more independent. I love watching them learn so much in just a couple months. Austin has enjoyed having time with some friends and I have to feels kind of good to be teaching just even a teeny tiny bit again. 
Happy Thanksgiving Learn and Play crew... Austin is missing you this morning!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

To infinity and beyond...and then to the Dr!

Oh Austin.... what else can I say? This past weekend Austin was pretending to be Buzz Lightyear. He is in a big Toy Story phase right now and often tells me he can fly. Well, this flying boy flew a little too far. Another phase he is in right now is being naked. All the time. I find clothes all over the house that he has thrown off, slipped out of, or torn off to run around with his white little buns hanging out. So, my naked Austin was jumping off the couch being Buzz yelling "to infinity and beyond" when he jumped too far... all the way to the floor, head first. Ugh, the noise was terrible and his cry was awful and his eyes were not looking right. My friend Angie has teased me numerous times that I would be in the ER with this kid before he was five. She proved me right. I actually skipped the ER, not wanting to be there for 3 hours, and raced to the Convenience Care closing in 10 minutes. After some screaming while the doctor checked eyes, nose, and motor skills he was cleared to go home with a mild concussion. I have a feeling this may be just the beginning with this boy... Oh Austin! We love you and are so glad you are okay... you know how to make me worry, but also teach me that sometimes boys are just boys. Oh Austin.... or should I say Buzz?

Friday, November 12, 2010

some real characters

 How cute are these little characters? This was our Learn and Play time Fall Party! They were so stinkin cute! Two lions, a butterfly, a princess, a carebear, and a scarecrow. Fun times with this crew. Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Brothers make the best of friends!

Brother's make the best of friends... these two more and more prove that to be true. Nearly four years apart, but the gap between them makes no difference in the bond these two share. I love watching them together in all their brother ways... having fun, playing, being silly, protecting each other, sticking up for each other, defending each other, bugging each other, taking each other's toys, wrestling each other, sleeping with each other, missing each other, and just being together. Sweet, sweet brothers... may you always share this close relationship.

Friday, November 5, 2010

appliances, shupliances, and dang mice

We have had serious appliance issues this past month. It all started with a leaky dishwasher. This we figured out was caused by the MICE eating through our dishwasher hose! I hate mice, the way mice hate owls. They gross me out and I scream like a little girl every time I see one. I can do spiders and even some snakes...but mice...ugh, they terrify me every time. My kitchen was a mess for about 9 days. A couple days I had no water at my sink so dishes piled up and things just stunk. Literally. Luckily my husband is venturing out in the handy man field so between him and our friend Jacob they fixed it! Problem solved! By the way, we have caught almost 10 mice under dishwasher since then. B-A-R-F!

As the dishwasher project came to a close my washing machine decided to die. It had a good life...30 years old at least. It has washed daily clothes, puked on blankets, pooped on onsies, spit up on shirts, grassed stained pants, baby blankets, winter coats, pool towels, and more. Is it weird to be a little sentimental about your washing machine? Hey, I have had a strong relationship with this thing for a good 7 years :) I spend more time with my washing machine then my own husband some days! Well, once again my husband found a new washing machine and while we were changing out that we took my overly squeaky dryer too. My new machines were up and running great after about a week. I made numerous trips to the laundromat, my father in laws, and sent my kids dirty underwear home with one of my best friends. You know you are friends when she will wash your dirty underwear :) Today I just made piles and I think I am only 7 or 8 loads away from being caught up. Sigh.

Two days into my new machines my dryer blew up. It got so hot I couldn't even touch the clothes coming out of it and it made such a loud noise it was heard outside. My now frustrated husband carried another appliance out to the garage with my dear brother in law. Luckily, my in laws had an extra dryer so we just replaced the new one with that new one and finally.... a non matching but finally working washing machine and dryer.

I don't even want to say it, but my computer is acting a little funny....we will see but I hope it holds out! I am so thankful to have a man in my house who deals with and takes care of this stuff. I was so grateful for him and his hard work. I am also just as thankful to have family and friends who pitch in on our behalf when needed. We are blessed here in our home... by people and working machines and no mice to live with :) Today is good!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wilson's Apple Orchard

 Doesn't this look beautiful? We visited Wilson's Apple Orchard outside of Iowa City and enjoyed this gorgeous view. This apple orchard still lets you pick your own apples (and pumpkins too). It is so pretty and I even saw a few people walking the grounds on what appeared to be dates! Nice work men!
Points for original date idea!!

We went close to the sun going down and had a nice little later afternoon visit. We brought a sweet treat home to enjoy the next day. Homemade fresh caramel apples.... YUM! I love fall!