Friday, September 27, 2013

4 months with this sweet face!

 What could be any better? 4 months have well flown by already and this little lady has just been a dream baby to have around...
 She is a strong little cookie and I suppose one day she will let her big brother know just how strong she is :)
 She loves having her fingers in her mouth.
 She loves looking around and seeing what is around her.

 She even puts up with all the crazy around here like a champ.
 She is currently still breastfeeding and eats about every 2.5-4 hours, depending on what is in between.
 She loves to sprawl out. She sleeps on her back with her arms spread wide, like she is just always ready to go with the flow.
 She weighed in today at 15 lbs, 8oz and I already forgot how long she was :) She was 80th percentile for both and her head was 60th percentile. I think she's perfect :)
 She is still one happy child and will be so content just in my arms or hanging out in her bouncy chair.
 She loves being outside and inside isn't so bad either if there isn't a ton of noise... after awhile she just kind of cries would someone please remove me from all this busyness!?!?
 She is kind of settling into a nap routine. Bedtime is with Mama still and nap time she snoozes in Mom & Dad's room just yet.
 She is rolling over and loves to kick her legs over her body.
 She likes tummy time, too. Mostly when there is super sweet big brothers talking to her while she does.
 She is just a gift of grace. I am in awe every day that she is here...and she is part of our family.
My little girl...well, maybe Daddy's little girl...we love her, and I guess she is really only His. So thankful we have her right now...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

boot lov'in, fast mov'in

The days are going fast and so is this kid. He never stops moving and I have to really train myself to pause inside and just really see him. He goes from one thing to the next in 2 seconds. He still take 2 naps a day and is in bed by 8 almost every night. He just moves that much during his awake times to need those zzz's. ah, my wild child... you are wildly fun and exhausting all at the same time!

 This boy and this bike.
 Seriously, he FLIES down the street pavement on it.
 As in I am usually running to keep up with him...and often times trailing behind him!
 When he finds his boots and heads to the door from inside, you know he's on a mission.
And chances are it will include tiny still moments like this...with the rest of his plans packed full of action. What better way to love on boys then through action, moving, energy filled fun time!

Monday, September 23, 2013

run, run, run

The boys of fall...not the grid iron boys, but these running boys! Our nephew is in his first year of highschool and is a pretty fun athlete to cheer on! Plus, our kids reap the benefits of having an older cousin being involved in sports. The big boys had fun running the Fun Run last weekend and I think we have a few more runners in the family!! What am awesome time to watch our little people grow and become a bit more of who God made them to be. It sure is fun to be in the cheering section!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

skater dude

Austin is so good for all of us. He likes things not everyone else around here would first choose and he's not afraid to just own it. I love that he tries new things, comes up with crazy imaginative ideas for solving problems, and just dances to his own tune...or skates to his own speed. You may not always find him front and center for football games, but you will find him up a tree, creating roads and building garages, digging in the garden, or on his board. He has this nitch lately for skate-boarding and loves it. And I love him for it. We made a ghetto ramp and he spends lots of free time just riding away. Love this kid and his ability to just be himself. I could learn a thing or two from him... :)

 First stages...
 Getting the hang of it...
He's up!

 He's gone!

and still smiling!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

bath time!

This girl is just so much fun. She truly keeps up with the crazy that fills this house of busy boys and every so often will have a little cry she's just.had.enough. I understand :)  One thing that always makes her smile again...her bath time! Just like her Mama!!

 Happy girl...
 in bubbles...
 and blue.
I guess thats what you get with a house full of three big brothers.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

honeymoon is over

I should have recorded the scene before this picture. It was loud and tearful and exhausted. Kindergarten has set in...

thank goodness it is the end of the week boy!

Monday, September 2, 2013

3 months of this sweet gal

3 months. Her first year is going fast. I know these days are marked with little moments that we'll hardly remember one day...but these days I am soaking in all of this little girl that I can during her sweet smiling and ever so snuggly days. I love the way she smiles like crazy right after she wakes up and how she chews on her fingers. I love watching her kick her feet like crazy while laying on her back so she can maneuver herself across the floor. And the way she loves to rub her fingers on her shirt or my shirt or her blankie, just like Jaxon did. Of course I love how she nestles in to me to sleep and will be ever so patient to eat while I help another child out or finish a meal of my own first. She takes so much grief from big brother Carson and I think one day she will just end that charade once she can hold her own! She has the prettiest eyes, a contagious smile, and the best little marks on her ankle and upper leg that only she has. Fearfully, wonderfully made. We just love her!

Happy 3 Months of life here with this wild house of boys, a daddy who thinks your pretty sweet, and your mama who is so heavily filled up to call you daughter...
Savannah Grace, we sure love you!