Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Welcome Elsie Kay McIntosh
My brother and his wife had their first baby today. Elsie Kay McIntosh was born this afternoon and weighed in at 7lbs 4.9 oz, 20 1/2 in long, and lots of dark hair! She is a cutie! Congrats to the new mom and dad!! Below are some snap-shots of her and some cousins... my mom & dad went from 1 grandchild to 4 grandchildren in a quick 7 months. It's starting to feel like Dave's side with all our boy's cousins in his family! (11 and 1 on the way) We're truly blessed with so many great nieces & nephews and cousins for our boys!! Enjoy the pics of the sweet baby girl...
We attempted to take a picture of the 4 cousins... maybe next time!?!? They were not in the mood! (Jaxon 4 years, Austin 5 months, Madalynn 7 months, Elsie 6 hours)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Rocked To My Core
I recently watched this video posted by a friend of ours. Their little Simeon's story is very similar to this little Audrey's story. This video is a bit lengthily (25 minutes), but it is very moving, encouraging, and a great story about 1 little baby's impact in this world. It was worth my time. I cried as I watched this and when it was over I just wanted to go hug my kids tucked so safely in bed. The video is about the Smith Family and the interviewer is Pete Wilson, a pastor at Cross Point in Nashville, TN. If you are surfing the Internet tonight and want to waste some time...check this video out! I can't figure out how to upload the video to my blog so click the link below and it will take you to Pete's website where you can play the video posted there. I continue to be amazed at the work God does in people's lives and the way He is present even when we think He's not. Every person has a life story...whether it's 2 hours long or 92 years long. God creates all with a purpose. Hope you get a chance to check this out...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I am 5 months old!!!
Austin turned 5 months old yesterday! He was a happy camper most the day! Jaxon spent the day sick, so I captured these pics in between consoling my sick 4 year old :( Austin didn't seem to mind... he had lots of smiles to help his big brother feel better. Austin is getting more and more smiley and loves to kick his legs these days. He's rolling over both ways now and thinks he's so funny when he gets on his back in the middle of the night! (funny for him anyways!) Austin will be running around here before we know it... man time flies when we're having fun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
summer time dreams
Today Jaxon and I made a top 10 list... we were waiting for dad to get home from work and to pass the time we made fruit smoothies, sat outside on the front porch, and chatted about what we are looking forward to this summer while we enjoyed a yummy treat :) So, we came up with a top 10 list of what we are looking forward to and here it is... in no particular order...
1.) swimming pool/aquatic center (this was both of our first's actually :)
2.) grilling out
3.) camp fires and smores (maybe the smores more then the camp fires!)
4.) riding bikes
5.) softball games
6.) picking dandelions (I would prefer they were all gone, but then my son wouldn't have any to pick from our yard and as I learned this is a favorite of thankfully, I guess, we have a yard full of dandelions.)
7.) State fair!
8.) sprinkler (more Jaxon's here then mine, I don't care that much for spraying water at my face)
9.) corn on the cob :) Yummy!
10.) walks at the jungle (also kown as Hartman Reserve to most people, Jaxon named it this when he was like two and it's stuck as our new term for HR)
We hope to do each of these things this summer at least once and some much more then once. Won't it be nice to enjoy long sunny days and be outside? So here is our top 10 summer things we look forward to... what about yours??? We'd love to hear what you are looking forward to and it'll be fun to share with Jaxon :)
Have a great day!!
1.) swimming pool/aquatic center (this was both of our first's actually :)
2.) grilling out
3.) camp fires and smores (maybe the smores more then the camp fires!)
4.) riding bikes
5.) softball games
6.) picking dandelions (I would prefer they were all gone, but then my son wouldn't have any to pick from our yard and as I learned this is a favorite of thankfully, I guess, we have a yard full of dandelions.)
7.) State fair!
8.) sprinkler (more Jaxon's here then mine, I don't care that much for spraying water at my face)
9.) corn on the cob :) Yummy!
10.) walks at the jungle (also kown as Hartman Reserve to most people, Jaxon named it this when he was like two and it's stuck as our new term for HR)
We hope to do each of these things this summer at least once and some much more then once. Won't it be nice to enjoy long sunny days and be outside? So here is our top 10 summer things we look forward to... what about yours??? We'd love to hear what you are looking forward to and it'll be fun to share with Jaxon :)
Have a great day!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
We took our family vacation in April this year between Dave's time of switching jobs. We loaded up the boys and headed south to the Branson, MO area. It was beautiful and warm and just what the Hansen clan needed after a long cold winter! We stayed at a beautiful resort just south of Branson in the Ozark Mountain area. Our place was much nicer then we had expected! We enjoyed our own cabin tucked in the woods and really enjoyed the peace-fullness of this place. It was such a great week and even though the defination of "vacation" is a bit different with 2 young children, we all had a good time and it was so nice to have quality family time with no distractions! We spent a lot of our time just laying low and hanging out, exploring the grounds of the resort, Silver Dollar City 1 day, and Dixie Stampede 1 evening. Our cabin was a peaceful place where we spent a lot of our time...grilling out, naps (well, the boys anyways!), hot tub, cozy fires at night, and just being together. We liked it all so much that we hope to go back soon! The boys did awesome in the van ride... I can't believe how well they were. Family vacation with four was a success all around!! I love that Dave has a strong passion for making family vacations a family tradition that we do in some way or form each year. It was a good week to reflect on the fact that we are so much more connected when we don't allow distractions to interfere with quality time spent together... Phones, emails, internet, TV... these were missed at first I think, but after a couple days it was so nice to just "be". We are so distracted by these things at home and I hope to be more conscious about how we spend our time here to allow for quality time spent as a family instead of keeping our noses plugged into whatever technology thing is appealing at the moment. It is so wonderful to just be together for a short time and experience fun, laughter, new things, and connection time with each other. Below are some pics from our trip ...enjoy!
Jaxon would tell you his favorite thing was the pools! The place we stayed had an indoor and outdoor, as well as a 30 person hot tub and a few smaller hot tubs around the main lodges.
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