...at your house? Sorry, it's a little dark. But I must say not too many dad's can play "the incredible jumping dad game" the way Dave Hansen does :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
everyday pals
Some of you know I have a couple kids that frequent our home on a regular basis. Jacob & Avery are the most recent weekly regulars here... built in play buddies! We have fun together and even better I love seeing my kids develop relationships early on with peers. With Jaxon and our past buddy, Gabe, in school it is a different noise level in the house these days!! Here's just a few pics from some of our everyday pals :-)

Jacob & Austin at a fair... go figure :) This double stroller is always in my van and used
almost daily!!

Jacob & Austin at a fair... go figure :) This double stroller is always in my van and used
almost daily!!
Miss Avery! The best part about this pose is that Austin & Jacob are laying on their tummies with me facing Avery and waving at her while I snap a couple pics!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
4 weeks from today...

... I will be riding home from Chicago having just ran the longest distance ever in my life. 4 weeks from today I will have completed my first ever (maybe my last, maybe not:) Chicago Marathon. And I am confidant I will be ready 4 weeks from today for this challenge. I would not be here without many of you... friends and family who have given their time and money to help with many things... babysitting while I run my tail off, financial help for new running shoes & travel expenses, words of encouragement, cards in the mail, checking in just to ask how it is going, running with me, biking with me, rollerblading with me, and more! I have made great friends doing this, laughed a lot, cried a little, and had some pretty great and interesting conversations over a period of miles upon miles as we have hit the pavement together. My coach, Don, has been an amazing leader and believer in me. My husband has been awesome as I work all these long training hours into our family's schedule. My running buddies have pushed me to extremes and been there when I needed a boost. I can honestly say my running partner has never left my side and I thank you. My God has supplied me with a body, heart, and mind that is far more powerful then I thought He made me. I wanted to do this marathon for World Vision... and I know I still I am... but I can not even put into words what this experience has given to me. I am so thankful I've done this. I can honestly say I'm going to be a bit sad when this is all over. THANK YOU to all of you who have encouraged me, cheered me on, helped me, and sponsored me. From the very bottom of my heart, I am so humbled and thankful.
I have almost reached my financial goal for World Vision. I have two favors to ask as I reach that October 11th date. One, would you please pray for me and my team as we work to finish strong. Pray for good health as these long runs take a toll on our bodies. Pray for good spirits as the mental games get harder and harder this far into training. Pray for protection as we travel to Chicago and back. Pray for others to be touched by this team as we each share our experiences. Pray for Coach Don as he juggles a team of 75 "new runners" and a team of young high school girls on a cross country team. Pray for no injuries these last few weeks! Pray for World Vision as they continue to tackle poverty in our world. Prayers are the blankets that protect me and guide me each day and most of all I ask for a few more as we all work to finish strong. And second, if you are in a place to give financially I ask you to consider this cause. I am certain it is going to good and making a difference. If you are interested check out my link to my fundraising page to the left on my blog page. Thank you!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friends & Fun Times!
We've had lots of fun times with some of our friends the last few weeks! Here is a picture collage from some friends and family we've been able to see recently...
Backyard campfire with our neighbors, the Mueller's! Notice the variety of food that night...AKA...both families just put out whatever they have in the fridge and smorgasbord for all!

Our good friends, the Monteiths, were home from Texas for a few days. We had a wonderful time catching up, celebrating their soon to be here Baby Girl, and just hanging out! (Us, Monteiths, Reisetter's)

Campfire night got late, so these 3 cozied up for a movie. We love it when Mason & Jillian come to play!

Austin and Jacob LOVE to watch the garbage truck on Thursday's. If you want to find us around 9;30 in the morning on Thursday's... just join us in the driveway :)
Our good friends, the Monteiths, were home from Texas for a few days. We had a wonderful time catching up, celebrating their soon to be here Baby Girl, and just hanging out! (Us, Monteiths, Reisetter's)
Campfire night got late, so these 3 cozied up for a movie. We love it when Mason & Jillian come to play!
Austin and Jacob LOVE to watch the garbage truck on Thursday's. If you want to find us around 9;30 in the morning on Thursday's... just join us in the driveway :)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
and I thought I was tired?
Friday, September 4, 2009
'My Friendship Guide'
I found this cute poem in a children's book I have from 1959. I love to collect old children's items... books, toys, antique clothes and so on. This was too cute not to share... isn't it interesting the impression a child wanted to give back then... to not let others see their troubles? It made me think how different we may be today. It seems my grandparents generation did all they could to NOT let people see them down, hurt, or struggeling. My generation seems to be so open with what is happening in life... At least I'd like to think so. Enjoy...
My Friendship Guide
Oh, making friends is lots of fun.
And I'll remember how it's done.
I'll try to look for good in others,
My friends and neighbors,
sisters, brothers
And tell them of the good I find,
So they will like me and be kind.
And I will wear a cheerful smile,
Though troubles come once in a while.
Then when the others look at me,
A happy girl or boy they'll see.
By Donald L. Gelb
My Friendship Guide
Oh, making friends is lots of fun.
And I'll remember how it's done.
I'll try to look for good in others,
My friends and neighbors,
sisters, brothers
And tell them of the good I find,
So they will like me and be kind.
And I will wear a cheerful smile,
Though troubles come once in a while.
Then when the others look at me,
A happy girl or boy they'll see.
By Donald L. Gelb
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