This is my favorite! When she couldn't scoop up anymore she just went for the straight sucking off of the table move. Brilliant.
Friday, April 30, 2010
tasty art time
Yesterday we did a little finger-painting during our play time. Austin and Avery were the only 2 here and I thought it would be a good chance to let Avery try out some art time with us. I usually just make pudding, water it down a tiny bit, and then add a little food coloring for visual fun. Austin loves it and I was sure Ave's would too. I have always used the pudding instead of regular paint at this age just "in case" a kid decided to try it out. Never before have I had a child simply move straight past the finger painting part of it to the all out this is the best stuff I've ever eaten mode! Once Austin saw how much Avery liked it.... he joined right in! Let's just say I was laughing SO HARD as they painted through 2 bowls of paint in about 20 minutes... or should I say gobbled up!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010
b-day catch up
My, My... where has April gone? I meant to post this like 6 weeks ago! Here is a quick post from Jaxon's kid party for his 6th birthday. This year's theme was football of course. Jaaxon wanted ANOTHER football party with the same cake from 2 years ago. He starts picking out his cake like 3 months before his actually party. He consistently stuck with the football theme and cake. For his party I created a "Jaxon Combine" theme. For those of you not familiar with the whole combine theme... combine is a thing where players do a handful of skills to test their abilities... so I think? It is a NFL thing with a variety of football players and well, it's what I used to make up a birthday party with :) As you can see....I wasn't totally sure what I was planning! The boys got to try out their passing, running, punting, and kicking skills. It was way cute and fun to watch! These kids crack me up! At the end we had football game snacks... hot dogs, nachos, lemonade, and of course the cake & ice cream! Thank you to my super awesome helpers in the kitchen! Whenever I throw a birthday party I try to have a couple friends in my kitchen so I can be with the kids and not stuck doing all the food. It means so much to me that they do this and I get to be with Jaxon and his friends. It was a fun day and even though Austin was sick and had to go to Papa's was a nice event at the Hansen house. Happy Birthday Jaxon! Have fun being 6!
the boys waiting and watching for their turn to punt
Jaxon with his buddies and "Coach Dave" and "Coach Mark" and Mom!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Our new roommie!
We have a new roommie!!! Yup, the Hansen's have welcomed a new roomie into our family and home for a few weeks! Our last roommies worked out so well last time we were excited to try this again. (Though we LOVE having Aunt Janelle here too, but her stays are usually only a week at a time!) It's been a few years and the basement room was getting a bit dusty :) If you happen to be over here or call and hear a random voice on the other line... no worries, it is our dear roommie, Heidi! The kids and I met Heidi at God's Mountain and she was a blessing to me all week. She is heading to Kuwait to teach end of the summer and just graduated from UNI. She's AMAZING with our kids and just a fun gal to have around. (need a baby-sitter anyone??? Call me!)
Welcome Heidi!!! We're super happy you can stay with us!! Sorry for the 6am pitter-patter's above your head each morning :-)
Welcome Heidi!!! We're super happy you can stay with us!! Sorry for the 6am pitter-patter's above your head each morning :-)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
He rides!
Jaxon finally learned to ride his bike with no training wheels a couple weeks ago! The end of last summer he tried and tried. He would have had it, but he doubted himself so much. Jaxon is a little like his dad... if he can't do something right (and the best) the first time he quits. All winter I have been telling him when he is 6 I'm sure he will know how. Dad kept telling him "this is your summer, baby!" An hour or so in the backyard practicing by himself with us casually watching (too much watching was too much pressure) and he nailed it! Away he went and he hasn't looked back. Yeah, Jaxon!!!! What a big kid you are! I'm super excited for family bike rides this summer!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I can't believe it...
We got a DOG!
Austin's reaction to meeting Kasey the first time! How much happier could he be?!?!
Dad pretty pleased with his reaction, too. Such a sweet, sweet moment.
Jaxon woke up to Kasey being outside with the boys. He wasted no time getting his hands on her!
The first night the boys just laid by her kennel before bed... "oh, Kasey" "Hi, Kasey", "KASEY!"
the dog already fits in... keeps right up with two active boys and loves being with them.
Jaxon begged to let Kasey sleep with her right away. By the 4th or 5th night we gave in. Kasey made herself at home plopped right next to Jaxon.
Having a dog is still something I'm getting used to. We've been in the dog discussion at our house since this last fall. Dave and I both were pretty against it. When we got married we thought "no dogs". Didn't want to pay for dogs, clean up after dogs, or have to deal with dogs when going here and there. Well, two kids later and we have changed our minds! Jaxon has been hinting at wanting a dog for about a year and Austin LOVES animals. Seeing Austin around animals started to melt my heart a little. What little boy wouldn't love a pet like a dog? Plus, the dog has many things about it that bring out responsibility, empathy, and sensitivity in my 6 year old! I was surprised how much he took on to loving her, feeding her, walking her, and watching out for her. Austin is thrilled and every time he wakes up in the morning it is like he sees her for the first time again. "Oh, Kasey" he says everyday and runs to her for hugs and petting.
And if by "getting used to" you mean "cuddle with her every night and spend my days potty training her"... then yes, I've gotten used to her :) (Shhhh, don't tell anybody but I even let her sleep with me last night!... I think she's around to stay :)
Friday, April 2, 2010
good friday
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
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