Oh my, this may turn into a monster of a post because my brain is a wild mix of very tired and very full all at the same time. I feel like I jump out of bed every morning already running and do a nose-dive back into it every night just hoping for a few zzzzz's on my pillow, still imprinted with the marks I left on it from the night before. When I think back to pre-kids I laugh at the busyness I thought I had. I WAS busy, but with things I filled my plate with and in some weird way I liked to be busy.... I think it made me feel somewhat important to have "so many things" going on, it gave me purpose at times, and it filled me up at other times. Needless to say, busy has a new definition these days after 1 husband, 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a fish later. (Yes, 2 dogs....more on that another day :) This girl didn't know busy until these last few months. And would you believe me if I told you I do not have one stinking thing on my plate at this moment other then raising 3 boys, a little child-care that I provide still, and an occasional small group meeting (which is very occasional these days since we all have new babies!). I sat up the other night nursing a sick baby and tried to think of anything I do outside my house.... getting groceries, volunteering at school, and returning library books does not count.
I never in a million years when I was a little girl and wished for nothing more then to be a mommy think this life would be this way. It looked so easy from my perspective back then. Get married and have babies.... binga banga boom. Happy life, check! I didn't see the signs that I am sure my mother had of exhaustion, long hours, dirty hair, spit-up on clothes, empty coffee pots, dirty floors, and......happy kids. Oh yes, I do sort of kinda remember that visual. These days I am that visual. And some days, it gets the best of me. And then at my better moments, I remember God's words for me to be still. Our culture tells us to be busy, to do lots, cram things in, act stressed and over-commited, and never say no. Our Father tells us just the opposite. I think partly because HE knows that amongst the nitty gritty of intentionally raising these little ones, we have to find stillness in our heart because the work-load from raising children alone is simply put; busy. I need time to plan out activities and fun games that not only show my children how much fun we can have together, but also hear God's word. I need time to prepare good meals so we can gather around a table together and share in good conversation. I need time to turn my house into home, a place where all who live here want to land here at the end of their day. I need time to read stories to and listen to stories read to me, as my children learn that books and learning can take them anywhere. I need time to just sit and hold a baby, while he learns to trust and love. I need time to discipline, yes, that's right.... to pay attention to my children's stages and guide them lovingly and patiently. I need time to let interruptions happen in our day, so others feel welcome in our home and know our door is always open and inviting. I need time to have my kid's friends over, so our home can become a place for young ones to safely and lovingly grow, play, and be together. I need time to properly provide for my family, so they are healthy, clean, and physically taken care of. I need time to make family traditions, so my kids can look forward to and build on family togetherness through things we do together. I need time to just sit and pray, so my children are daily taken to the One who does truly watch over their every breath and step in life.
Being busy and having time go hand in hand for me these days. I must carve out the time to let my days be filled with the busyness of raising our kids and being a home provider, so that at the end of my day when I fall into bed exhausted I know my tired brain, heart, and body will have been best used for this season of life. This life as a mama is happy and wonderful and the most rewarding job I've ever done and ever will. It is also very hard some days, very tiring some days, and more then I ever dreamed. Even though I am so tired these days I addressed all my out of state Christmas cards to Iowa, tried to use my face moisturizer on my tooth-brush, put my milk away in my food pantry, returned some movies to the library and took some books back to the movie store, and can't remember what I did 1 hour ago.... this spit up on, dirty haired, overly coffee-ed, owner of dirty floors and laundry mountains, and oh yeah.... happy kids, is doing everything I can to say no these days to anything outside my duty as simply put "mom". The stillness this provides in my life is the stable part of my brain and heart that knows the direction it is going when everything else around me is going every which way. So, as I jump into the New Year coming up I want to go in knowing that time is forever a gift and one not to be taken lightly. I hope to use it in every way I can being that mom I always wanted to be.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
10 o'clock Tea
Having a house full of boys, we often do lots of "boy" playing around here. The few kids I watch only consists of 2 girls in the mix so they often get roped into playing cars, digging in the sand-box, and playing tackle games. Well, this day I decided to indulge in a typical little girl's idea of fun... their very own tea party :) First we baked the muffins together, set the table together, and pulled out my tea set. I taught them how to properly use their dishes, pass the food, pour the "tea" (hot cocoa), let the girls go first, and say please and thank you. They all loved it! I think a mid-morning tea time may need to make my social calendar more regularly!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Holiday Fun Day!
Each Christmas season I love to choose a day and spend it baking up a storm with my boys. We bake a variety of goodies, pack some boxes, and deliver later that evening. I like spending the time with them, they enjoy creating yummy treats, and I love that they put some effort into making something they can give away to others. It is such a sweet tradition that we've established and I hope to continue it for years to come! Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be baking with their kids. That is what traditions are about.... creating them for many moments to look forward to together and look back on. These years really matter as we set foundational moments that will shape our family for years to come.... even a simple holiday fun baking day :)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
5 month old in the house!
This little man is growing like crazy! Today he is 5 months old!! I have much I'd love to say about him at this stage, but I'm afraid my very overly tired brain can not stay awake another wink tonight... so, on that note... I am going to head to bed next to my sleeping baby boy who currently has croup, ear infection, and a little diaper rash going. Rough state at the moment for this 5 month old!!! He did experience his first nebulizer breathing treatment experience this afternoon and go on his first antibiotics today :( Boo for flu/cold season!!! Sorry you feel so sick baby.... what a way to spend your five month mark on life here. Sick or not, I sure do love taking care of you!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
little friends+mornings= fun times!
Now that it is colder, our mornings look a little different. However, we still find ways to have oodles of fun...most days :) Being home with my two little boys during the day is just wonderful and M-Thurs we have little friends join us and an occasional scheduled play-date. I love watching these kids all grow and learn together. My days spent in my home with these little hands and feet teach me so very much...
Buddies having some shaving cream paint fun...
Two boys playing in the water...
Special visitor!!! Jakey came for a visit this month....they were SO excited! (Jakey lives 2 hours away now :(
Building 4 year old birthday crowns was fun...
Getting to know you kind of fun...
A little painting fun...
And, as always in my kitchen.... bake something yummy fun :)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
a little more Austin
Sorry if this is a ridiculous amount of Austin info and photos. I make scrapbooks on shutterfly and by posting these here to my blog I can come back and remember what I want to put in my books when I finally get to them, 6 months later :) So for now... a few more of our 3 year old, almost FOUR!
Austin always ready for a good observation comment...
Funny face...
Austin loved to help water the plants around the yard this year. He is an outdoors man at heart! I loved when he would throw on his rain boots and head outdoors no matter the weather!
This boy will play in the tub forever...
His umbrella. Enough said. He LOVED when the rain came and he could pull this thing out and stomp in puddles.
Always up for a splash in the backyard...
Austin has spent most of his life going to and from Jaxon's school everyday... this last year he could finally really play well on the playground equipment and chase Jaxon's friends around. They love to get him going and Austin loved the game :)
His first summer of swim lessons with Miss Jen...
His first ice-cream truck treat...
His first movie at the theatre! Right before Carson arrived we checked out Cars. I think he liked the popcorn the best and is still a true Cars 1 fan!
He can really get Jaxon to imaginary play better then Jaxon can on his own, aside from make-believe sports scenarios :)
And he and his big brother loved to sleep together almost every night during his year as a 3 year old.... love the stillness and peace of two sleeping boys side by side.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Austin and three
As a 3 year old, Austin has used this year to really start to show us his own personality, likes, and spirit. What a joy to walk alongside him and watch God mold who he is becoming! He, like big brother, LOVES the water...
He is adventurous and "flies" around here all the time. This is the year I had to almost take him to ER for a mild concussion after attempting to be Buzz Lightyear and flew right off the couch onto the hard floor, head first. All with no clothes on of course. (if you know this son of mine, you know he prefers the buff vs. clothing any day! Actually many pictures I can not post because he is too naked)
"noooooo".... for so long I heard this when it would snow out. Now I hear his little prayers at night asking for the real stuff, snow, to come the next day for him to play in. I think he's the only one disappointed we don't have any yet :)
Famous for his wildy long hair that I have to trim every two weeks because it grows so fast.... and famous for his ability to sit and play cars/trains/trucks for very long periods of time all by himself. He loves it!
He is my little helper in the kitchen. I love that he keeps me on track with a few family traditions too. He would have family pizza, movie, and popcorn night every night if he could choose, not just for Fridays!
A big year... as a 3 year old he became a Big Brother. I will never forget all the excitement he had leading up to Carson's arrival.... it fell a bit when he realized Carson could do nothing for him or with him just yet, but I'm holding out. These two will be buds soon :)
He is my little creative bug. He loves painting, coloring, drawing, getting messy with whatever I put on the table for him.
And I know he's really probably too big, but I don't care. It's not like he will walk into kindergarten with these things! He was still my blankie and binkie boy as a 3 year old. He recently has been trying to ditch both though and it makes me a little sad.
Outdoors.... he would be a farm kid if we let him. Chasing chickens here and loving it!
And I can't say enough about the handful of amazing people God continues to surround our family with. As we raise these babies, God faithfully puts people in our lives who make bringing up these boys easier, encourage us, love on us, pray for us, laugh with us....just walk with us. Austin is especially fond of our good friend, Natalie. I sure appreciate her heart for my children....her heart in general. She is a light to my family and Austin spent a lot of his time as a 3 year old loving her! If I could bottle her up and freeze her for the next 20 years, I'm sure she'd be a keeper for him :)
Austin is one fun-loving kid... he still loves slides and prefers them over the swings at the park.
Austin wanted to be in almost ALL my pregnancy photos. I love how he would wrap himself around that big belly. Most of my photos are of him and I, taken by Jaxon.
He is true dirt and trucks kind of boy.... most summer days I emptied pockets and shoes full of sand and dirt.
And most of all... I have loved the way his heart is shaping towards Jesus. He talks about God a lot and relates Him to so many things. The faith of a child is so simple and real. Much can be learned from my 3 year old's heart for Jesus!
He is adventurous and "flies" around here all the time. This is the year I had to almost take him to ER for a mild concussion after attempting to be Buzz Lightyear and flew right off the couch onto the hard floor, head first. All with no clothes on of course. (if you know this son of mine, you know he prefers the buff vs. clothing any day! Actually many pictures I can not post because he is too naked)
"noooooo".... for so long I heard this when it would snow out. Now I hear his little prayers at night asking for the real stuff, snow, to come the next day for him to play in. I think he's the only one disappointed we don't have any yet :)
Famous for his wildy long hair that I have to trim every two weeks because it grows so fast.... and famous for his ability to sit and play cars/trains/trucks for very long periods of time all by himself. He loves it!
He is my little helper in the kitchen. I love that he keeps me on track with a few family traditions too. He would have family pizza, movie, and popcorn night every night if he could choose, not just for Fridays!
A big year... as a 3 year old he became a Big Brother. I will never forget all the excitement he had leading up to Carson's arrival.... it fell a bit when he realized Carson could do nothing for him or with him just yet, but I'm holding out. These two will be buds soon :)
He is my little creative bug. He loves painting, coloring, drawing, getting messy with whatever I put on the table for him.
And I know he's really probably too big, but I don't care. It's not like he will walk into kindergarten with these things! He was still my blankie and binkie boy as a 3 year old. He recently has been trying to ditch both though and it makes me a little sad.
Outdoors.... he would be a farm kid if we let him. Chasing chickens here and loving it!
And I can't say enough about the handful of amazing people God continues to surround our family with. As we raise these babies, God faithfully puts people in our lives who make bringing up these boys easier, encourage us, love on us, pray for us, laugh with us....just walk with us. Austin is especially fond of our good friend, Natalie. I sure appreciate her heart for my children....her heart in general. She is a light to my family and Austin spent a lot of his time as a 3 year old loving her! If I could bottle her up and freeze her for the next 20 years, I'm sure she'd be a keeper for him :)
Austin is one fun-loving kid... he still loves slides and prefers them over the swings at the park.
Austin wanted to be in almost ALL my pregnancy photos. I love how he would wrap himself around that big belly. Most of my photos are of him and I, taken by Jaxon.
He is true dirt and trucks kind of boy.... most summer days I emptied pockets and shoes full of sand and dirt.
And most of all... I have loved the way his heart is shaping towards Jesus. He talks about God a lot and relates Him to so many things. The faith of a child is so simple and real. Much can be learned from my 3 year old's heart for Jesus!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
How do I pick?
So many great moments, qualities, and things involving this kid!! Can't believe his FOURTH birthday is here. We'll be celebrating our boy all weekend so look for some fun photos of our 3 year old who will be this age no longer in just a few days.... there are so many great memories with Austin as a 3 year old! How do I pick just a few??? He's such a fun, sweet, easy going boy. Enjoy the pictures as much as we've enjoyed our sweet little Austin :) Let the celebrating begin!!
Headed outside... his favorite place to be.
Playing Leapster with Dad...
Getting braver with Bay Carson...
Our animal lover...
More on this boy and this puppy to come... :)
Makes up fun all by himself often...
Becoming Dad's second side-kick... (sigh, it always seem to happen to me!!)
Getting braver like big bro Jaxon...
"take a picture of me with Carson" is what I hear more and more...
LOVES his bikes and cars...
Loves to just be goofy...
Will sit for long stretches and do puzzles, color, or paint at the ole dining room table...
Loves junk food :) and sneaks it often! (little stinker!!)
More to come... we're just getting started birthday boy!
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