Here's a few pictures from our last few weeks...
Right when I thought we had whipped the illness bugs in the butt, Jaxon came down with strep...again! It was the second time this winter and he had the weirdest symptoms... vomiting, low grade fever, cough. Unfortunately, this pose is one I saw way too much this winter :(
Austin likes to walk the dog with us and this night I tried to sneak out for a little bit of a faster paced walk. Not happening. He had himself dressed before I got out the door... notice he was in pajamas ready for bed. I think the hat did it for me... who can say no to that cute face squeezed in there? And who lets their kid go out dressed like the Eskimo poster child?
Not a cute picture of me, but precious none the less. My belly is getting too big for Austin to lay on these days. He manages to find the right spot though still, as does the dog :)
Jaxon has been a reading machine these days! He is racking up minutes to try and get first place in his class for most minutes read. The competitive side of him has really taken off with this competition... what a great thing too! The other day he and I sat on the couch together and read for almost an hour. It was awesome!
Jaxon had his first music concert this spring. The lighting in the gym was bad, so I don't have great pictures. However, this one is great because as Jaxon walked out on stage his brother proceeded to yell in the quiet gym for all to hear "HEY BRODER, HEY BRODER". Jaxon and his friends couldn't stop giggling, as could us parents. It was too funny! Jaxon did a good job... had a little speaking part even. For a kid who can get out and play sports in front of anybody, he does not like speaking and singing in front of a crowd. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)
And finally... Austin and Jacob. Now that spring is here, cold or not, Austin lives in his sand box again. His best buddy and neighbor, Jacob, is moving this week or else we would often see both of these boys in here together. Austin can spend so much time in here by himself even playing, driving, digging. He loves his trucks!