Our Thanksgiving day was a slow start with a hike through the woods, good food around our table with people we love later in the day, and unfortunately a sick hubby by night. As every year goes, we end our turkey eating and thankful trees with the start of something new...a freshly cut tree!
Austin has talked about tree cutting day for weeks now and even though he was pushing off Dad's cold and fever, he was insistent we still head to the tree farm!
It was one of our first colder days and we were thankful for the warm fire between tree hunting.
Jaxon proved to be a bit of the muscle this year as we hunted...
The sky was a perfect smokey blue of a typical Iowa winter day...it set the mood for our shift in holidays.
Dad led the hunt...and hunt we did. Sadly, the tree farm lost 15,000 trees this year due to the drought. So sad. Such a nice family owned farm and it was heart-breaking to see the fruits of their labor all brown and sitting stone cold.
Carson thought this was the coolest thing ever. Open space and outside...he was gone!
We marched on for awhile and about here Austin needed a piggy back ride...
Luckily, Dad found it soon after Austin started to give up.
A little of our muscle this year from our 8 year old!
He helped cut and haul it to the trailer...getting so big. He was not yet 2 when he started this tradition here...he's come a long ways.
The kids decided to hop in the back with our friends to help them finish looking... there was a lot of ground to cover.
And these two boys headed in for warmth and snacks!! I decided to join their party :)
And I can't believe it, but this is the first year that one of us left without a tree!! We found ours, but our yearly tree hunting friends headed to Menards :) That poor tree farm was slim picking.
Tree is up, boys are getting things ready for more Christmas making, and we are well into our holiday spirit!!