Tuesday, October 29, 2013

5 months with happy girl!

She's a happy girl. 5 months and it is what we say the most... she's so happy. Savannah Grace has a smile that is purely contagious and is so happy in anyone's arms usually...or even scooting around on the floor. She's a mover for sure, typical Hansen trait. Bouncing in our laps, wiggling in her sleep, wanting to sit up in her car seat, scooting around the floor as she plays, rolling herself across the floor as she watches. She has this new hoarse giggle and hoarse gurgling noise she makes. Just a joy to listen to. 5 months and counting...it just keeps getting better with this gal around :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

our favorite gal

Life with our favorite little gal... almost 5 months old and she lights up for almost anybody! I think it's safe to say she is well loved :)


Monday, October 21, 2013

Sanders Farm

 We picked the last warm weekend to hit up the pumpkin farm and oh man, am I glad we did! It was beautiful all around...the drive, the colors, the produce, the sky, and the views. I love fall!
 I was solo this weekend while Dave and the guys were in MN having a Vikings weekend.
 So I opted for a simple, small pumpkin patch. Just the good 'ole country and pumpkins.
 We love places like Bloomsbury and Carrol's, but I just wanted a low key day for this event...
 And Sanders didn't disappoint. It was just enough for my crew for the day.
 Carson and Austin loved it!
 And I couldn't believe how cheap everything was!
 We got a lot for our bucks :)
 Jaxon is too old and remembered the "fun" pumpkin farms we have visited...and this was not his idea of a pumpkin farm :) Can't please them all!
 I let the kids free and they chose a great variety of gourds, corn, mums, and pumpkins...
 The bigger the better was their theme! Only rule...they had to be able to carry it themselves!
 So many to choose from...
 I love these little faces and apparently Carson did too (Sorry Sis!)
 Still smiling at the end.
 A few animals to feed...
 A little animal petting...
 A first for Sis...
And another pumpkin patch memory in the books. Just isn't fall until you've hunted down the right pumpkins :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

from Austin's view

The boys are both in Youth Art Team this semester. Love this group of kids! This is Austin's first session and he loves, loves it. It has been a perfect fit for his little personality. While he loves being outdoors, he isn't the first to grab a ball and play sports like Jaxon. Austin lives from a hands on, creative place where he can make things and problem solve and get creative. I let him take on the back-yard the other day with my good camera. This is what I found he saw...and captured. I love watching him find his niche and being okay with who he is. Snap away, buddy...