Spring has long been on the calendar, but this spring project sprouted in what felt a little more like summer . This building for six project has been a long time coming... It started off as a dream, became a little goal, ventured into a desired outcome, and slowly started to take shape for this family of six that largely fills out this house and needs a little more space to call home. We're so very thankful for all the right things falling into place so we can make this happen and so grateful for the resources, people, and time to do it. God is good. New room or not, God is good.
Here's the start of it a few weeks ago... After we tore down the old deck and dug out old bushes and trees!
The supply truck delivered the goods For two little boys, thats free entertainment.
Austin loved the pieces. It was like a gigantic puzzle ready to be put together!
Carson loves the activity... always something new to see or explore or talk about. Mostly talk about. A lot.
The start of the new...
We start 'em young.
Post building. A solid foundation. Nothing more important. A house or hearts, a solid foundation must come first.
Of course, building for 6 usually means you have about that many peeps around to keep the construction zone crowded.
We've got some of the most talented carpenters in the area... not to mention hard-working, hug giving, and grandkid holding help for this crew.
Because who wouldn't want to work with this guy around all day? :)