Saturday, September 29, 2007

Family photos!

Alright...I navigated myself through this blog system to figure out how to place pictures here. I always love seeing other family pics and so hope you enjoy. A few here from our late spring and summer days. Have a great weekend everyone!

"Hey Mom, can you bring my shades...and a cool drink while I'm waiting here"? Ahhh, the life of a 3 year old in the dog days of summer! Gotta love it!
Dad and Jaxon sitting on a picnic table that found it's way to the middle of the creek. Camping trip with the Reisetter's here... a yearly tradition we always look forward to!
Dave took me to San Fransisco in May to see the city and experience a little of what he does when he comes here for mission trips. It was a nice get-away for the 2 of us! Jaxon stayed home with our room-mates at the time, Mark & Kris. I think we all had fun...
Our fam waiting for my sister's wedding to start the end of last spring. I think Jaxon has inherited his dad's & Aunt Heidi's trait of half open eyes in most pictures. (thanks guys :-)
Jaxon and Mom sorting his "Farmer's Market" produce at the Iowa State Fair. if you haven't been and done the kids farm exhibit we highly recommend it! A great experience for little ones and so fun for them too :)
Jaxon & Gabe having fun swimming on the sand bar in the Mississippi river. We enjoyed a few days camping in Lansing with Gabe's, swimming, campfires, boating, napping, and lots of eating!
Dave's 30th birthday! A surprise party and Orange Crush makes for a fun 30th (at least for your 3 year old!) Dave played softball this night after his party and Jaxon took full advantage of the Orange pop served afterwards.
Jaxon with a couple of his favorite buddies. Jaxon loves having Gabe and Mason over to play. Here they are having fun in the backyard pool on a hot summer day!

Jaxon and Mom (4 months prego) at the Fireworks for 4th of July...Jaxon cried when they started and I had to cover his ears until he fell asleep. He still talks about those "loud fireworks that I don't like." Maybe next year?

Jaxon all decked out for his uncle August and now Aunt Katie's wedding. I know I'm biased, but what a handsome fellow :)


Holly said...

I just love the first one and last one of Jaxon! What a little cutie! Thanks for sharing all the awesome pics of your family! I want to see one of yuor cute belly! :)

jer said...

Great pics...good to see your faces again. Its been quite awhile. I put your link onto my blog, so I look forward to see what is happening with ya'll.

I have been without internet at home due to our move, but come Friday I am going to get back to updating mine on a regular basis.

Hope you are doing with you soon.