It seems we have fast approached the Easter season this year and with that comes a time I love to use to sit and really dwell in God's unconditional love and grace for us. I mean, really? God loves us so much that He sent His ONLY son to die a painful and hard death on a cross. Have you ever truly thought about how Jesus died? First he was beat so bad that he couldn't stand...whipped with hard leather and a crown made of thorns laid on his head...cutting deep into his skin... he was forced to carry his own cross up a hill after this... can you imagine what that must have weighed? People standing back watching, some laughing, and calling ridicules at Him? Can you imagine what that felt like inside his heart? He was nailed to a cross... they say the way He was nailed would have caused him to suffocate... being spread like that would have caused his lungs to give up. I think it hurts when I get a rose bush thorn stuck in my thumb... I can not imagine a large nail being pounded into my hands & feet. They pierced his side and it bled... so much PAIN. When I truly think how this happened and what it means...I am so humbled. I am so desperate for God's grace and love. I am so thankful.
I think the first year I really started to see and understand more in depth how much God really loved me was the year Jaxon was born. That year our church had a service where we placed a man on a cross outside for all of us to watch as we listened to the story from the Bible... This man playing the role of Jesus was a good friend of ours and I was standing next to his mother and holding my new baby. I stood there and finally realized how much God loves us at a different level then what I'd ever felt before. I loved my own new baby SO much and could not imagine giving him over to have anything so cruel done to him. I stood next to my friend and watched her watch her son with such intense love and concern, knowing she wanted to just go place a blanket over him and get him down... it was a cold evening and her son was just pretending on the cross and was struggling in the cold and anxious for the long 30 minutes to be over, so he could come inside and get warm and rest his arms. I stood there and cried realizing how much Jesus had done for me... He died so that I could live. He went through so much pain and suffering for ME...and you! God loves us so much that He gave his one and only son, that whoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life. Light has come into the world... let's hold onto that light this Easter season and take it with us as we live for Him here today.
I hope you have an Easter season full of meaning, grace, and love. I pray this is a time when you can hear and feel God's words and love for you. I pray our children will come to know this time of year as a time to realize God's love for them and the celebrating that comes with knowing that in our hearts. I am so thankful we have a Savior and pray we can be His light here on this earth. Happy Easter to you all...
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