The music being sang in our house these days has either something to do with Wrigley Field or the Minnesota Vikings. Can't help but share this all time favorite baseball song with you all! Straight from our 4 year old! (yes, that is Mason Reisetter and Ahna Rosenau in the background playing the role as Jaxon's audience as he belts out his baseball tune...Mason argued with Jaxon that he sings it's supposed to be "root, root, root for the Yankees" according to Mason :)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Favorite Summer food
I try to be an organized person. Even though at this moment I am failing miserably in certain areas of my life with this skill, there is at least a couple areas I try to keep organized at a rather high percentage level for the sake of my family's well being. One of these areas happens to be: meal time. I am a big believer that happy tummy's equals happy people. Most the time anyways. There is nothing better, if you ask me, then a good home cooked meal at the end of one's day. I really like food and I really like good food when I am hungry. I tend to get irritable and moody when I'm hungry and don't know what we're going to eat. I also like to know what my family is consuming and take a little pride in knowing they are getting a well rounded meal at least once a day, if not more. Now, of course this takes preparation and planning and grocery shopping and I am required to think about it at least a week or two in advance. Thus, the high percentage level for consistent meal planning and not the full 100%. Stuff comes up and life happens faster then I can keep up at times and this results in me throwing whatever together and hoping there is meat in the freezer or even better, thawed out, when I start to make dinner at 5:30 that night. So... this all being said. I love summer meals!!! and, as I start to plan our summer meals out I want some new ideas!!!
What is your favorite summer dish, grilled item, craving, or whatever! I am looking to expand my summer meals by trying some new, dish them out! What do you like to eat??? Pass on a favorite summer dish recipe!!!
A few Simple Fav's at our house:
fresh strawberries and bananas cut up and mixed together. need I say more? yum!
grilled veggies: slice up sweet potatoes/yams, green pepper, green beans, asparagus. brush olive oil on them and salt & pepper. wrap in foil wrap and throw on the grill!
grilled potatoes: cut and dice up potatoes of your choice. sprinkle Lawry's seasonings on them and dice up some real butter to put on them. throw all this onto foil wrap and wrap up. place on grill for 20-30 min. double foil wrap so it doesn't char!
frozen fruit-cup: 1 can frozen pineapple juice, thawed, 12 oz
1 can frozen OJ juice, 6 oz, thawed
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 firm bananas
1 small container of fresh strawberries
1 can mandarin oranges, drained
1 can crushed pineapple
18 clear plastic cups (9oz)
prepare pineapple juice according to directions. add everything else. spoon 3/4 cupful into each cup and freeze! Enjoy a freezer full of cold fruit treats for a couple weeks!!
grilled chicken: you can fix this 100 different ways...our most used is- place chicken in tupper-ware container in morning and add marinade sauce for it to sit all day in fridge like this. I buy marinade by the bottle at Aldi's for like 97 cents and they have 3 or 4 flavors to choose from. McCormick's also makes marinades in little enveloped packages at Walmart that you can make a marinade from. pretty good too. throw on some fresh lemon or pineapple when you grill to add some citrus flavor.
What is your favorite summer dish, grilled item, craving, or whatever! I am looking to expand my summer meals by trying some new, dish them out! What do you like to eat??? Pass on a favorite summer dish recipe!!!
A few Simple Fav's at our house:
fresh strawberries and bananas cut up and mixed together. need I say more? yum!
grilled veggies: slice up sweet potatoes/yams, green pepper, green beans, asparagus. brush olive oil on them and salt & pepper. wrap in foil wrap and throw on the grill!
grilled potatoes: cut and dice up potatoes of your choice. sprinkle Lawry's seasonings on them and dice up some real butter to put on them. throw all this onto foil wrap and wrap up. place on grill for 20-30 min. double foil wrap so it doesn't char!
frozen fruit-cup: 1 can frozen pineapple juice, thawed, 12 oz
1 can frozen OJ juice, 6 oz, thawed
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 firm bananas
1 small container of fresh strawberries
1 can mandarin oranges, drained
1 can crushed pineapple
18 clear plastic cups (9oz)
prepare pineapple juice according to directions. add everything else. spoon 3/4 cupful into each cup and freeze! Enjoy a freezer full of cold fruit treats for a couple weeks!!
grilled chicken: you can fix this 100 different ways...our most used is- place chicken in tupper-ware container in morning and add marinade sauce for it to sit all day in fridge like this. I buy marinade by the bottle at Aldi's for like 97 cents and they have 3 or 4 flavors to choose from. McCormick's also makes marinades in little enveloped packages at Walmart that you can make a marinade from. pretty good too. throw on some fresh lemon or pineapple when you grill to add some citrus flavor.
Friday, June 20, 2008
6 Months old...already?!?
My goodness, Austin is already 6 months old. The last 6 months have been full of transitioning to a family of 4, falling in love with a new little boy, watching our 4 year old step into a role as a protective big brother, figuring out how to get dinner on the table by 6ish with TWO kids to distract me, wondering how many baby items will fit into our house, and simply embracing this time period in our life! Words can not describe the fun and crazy times we've had these last few months. I remember being in high-school dreaming about being a mom and wife someday...and I must say, it's as great as I thought it would be and even more! The stressful twists and turns make it just interesting enough to keep us on our toes and down on our knees, desperate for direction and guidance, while the many joy-filled times outnumber the other moments by so much that it really is what I'd like to say as of now... "the best times of our life!"
Austin is happy and content still... finally is taking a bottle so I can leave for a bit longer times to do a couple things such as grocery shopping by myself, a little volunteering, and an occasional girls night with some other moms! He is not sitting up yet...his head is too heavy :) But, he is up and on all fours like he's ready to crawl! Crazy! He shimmy's all over on his tummy and has figured out how to roll from one end of a room to another. He also got his first tooth this week. He'll be running his first track race before we know it! I attached some pics of him on his 6 month day of life!
Jaxon... he is just too funny these days and I'm just going to write a few quotes for you to enjoy and so I don't forget them!
On the way to Sunday school one morning he is pouting in the back and telling me "I don't want to learn about Jesus today.... I want to learn about Baseball!" A true all American BOY!
When one of us is "stressing' a bit Jaxon will sometimes reply with a "Everything's great, your life is hard." comment in an all too familiar sarcastic tone like his dad!
A month ago Jaxon wanted to marry me someday when he grew up...after VBS last week I have been replaced. 5 days of last week he talked about his "two favorite teachers" at VBS...all the time! He couldn't wait to get to VBS and when it was over he told me "I wish I lived at VBS so my favorite teachers would know where to find me when they wanted to see me." He still tells me he misses them and that he's "too shy" to talk to them at the pool (where we see them some). First crush?!? I've never known this kid to be shy, but he was hiding behind my leg and eying these gals at the pool.... sigh, perhaps it's just begun!
Hope you are all having a good summer! Look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!

Austin is happy and content still... finally is taking a bottle so I can leave for a bit longer times to do a couple things such as grocery shopping by myself, a little volunteering, and an occasional girls night with some other moms! He is not sitting up yet...his head is too heavy :) But, he is up and on all fours like he's ready to crawl! Crazy! He shimmy's all over on his tummy and has figured out how to roll from one end of a room to another. He also got his first tooth this week. He'll be running his first track race before we know it! I attached some pics of him on his 6 month day of life!
Jaxon... he is just too funny these days and I'm just going to write a few quotes for you to enjoy and so I don't forget them!
On the way to Sunday school one morning he is pouting in the back and telling me "I don't want to learn about Jesus today.... I want to learn about Baseball!" A true all American BOY!
When one of us is "stressing' a bit Jaxon will sometimes reply with a "Everything's great, your life is hard." comment in an all too familiar sarcastic tone like his dad!
A month ago Jaxon wanted to marry me someday when he grew up...after VBS last week I have been replaced. 5 days of last week he talked about his "two favorite teachers" at VBS...all the time! He couldn't wait to get to VBS and when it was over he told me "I wish I lived at VBS so my favorite teachers would know where to find me when they wanted to see me." He still tells me he misses them and that he's "too shy" to talk to them at the pool (where we see them some). First crush?!? I've never known this kid to be shy, but he was hiding behind my leg and eying these gals at the pool.... sigh, perhaps it's just begun!
Hope you are all having a good summer! Look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Signs of Summer
Oh, summer is starting to take shape all around us! With such a loooong winter and short spring it seems summer has just sneaked up on us! (sneaked? snuk up? not sure correct wording here!?!) I forget it is June, like, every day so far. We haven't even bought our pool pass yet and usually we've purchased this sometime early May and are at the pool by May 31st! However, we are trying to catch up with the calendar date and fully immerse ourselves into summer mode. The last few days and last week or so we have had signs of summer creep up all around us and we are ready to embrace this season for a good 3 months! We love summer time at our house and have many great memories that we're planning on re-living again :) I'm sharing some pictures of the latest signs of summer we've had and I'm sure there will be more coming as we take in the lazy days of summer fun!

Austin discovered his outdoor swing yesterday. He hates his swing inside, but this wasn't so bad. Of course, serious as usual... he laid back and enjoyed the view!
Now, opposite of Austin...there is nothing serious about this kid! Jaxon is all personality! He couldn't wait to get a slip n slide this year. He saved some birthday money and together we went to the store and looked over all the options, counted what he had to spend and talked about how much he wanted to spend, save, and put in his Jesus jar. He came up with this slip n' slide for $6.99. A well thought out process on his part and he was quite proud of himself as he paid at the register and counted his money out AND got change back for something else! From the time we bought it until we got home and he got us to set it up, I think it was about 35 minutes! This kid was excited for good ole slip n' sliding!!
Slip N Slide :-)
The first sign of summer is often the My Waterloo Days parade that is usually first weekend of summer. Our good friend, Walt Rogers, is running for the Iowa that means we were walking the parade this year! Jaxon was Walt's side-kick the last half of the parade...shaking hands, smiling, and giving his best effort to cheer his favorite politician on!
Austin also came along for the ride at the parade... though clueless about what was going on...he sure enjoyed the sunny morning and being cooed over by everyone! (here is Austin, with Walt & Jenny Rogers, and another little buddy Boaz Bartlett!)
And of course... my flowers! Our yard is starting to bloom in many of my favorite creations is in full bloom right now! God is an amazing artist with all the world's beauty!
Side note... we know this summer for some people around here will be filled with rebuilding their homes and lives after the awful tornado that passed though the Parkersburg, New Hartford, and Dunkerton area this last week. As they finish clean-up and begin re-building or moving elsewhere we just invite everyone to join us in prayer as we pray for all those effected by this storm.
Side note... we know this summer for some people around here will be filled with rebuilding their homes and lives after the awful tornado that passed though the Parkersburg, New Hartford, and Dunkerton area this last week. As they finish clean-up and begin re-building or moving elsewhere we just invite everyone to join us in prayer as we pray for all those effected by this storm.
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