Austin is happy and content still... finally is taking a bottle so I can leave for a bit longer times to do a couple things such as grocery shopping by myself, a little volunteering, and an occasional girls night with some other moms! He is not sitting up yet...his head is too heavy :) But, he is up and on all fours like he's ready to crawl! Crazy! He shimmy's all over on his tummy and has figured out how to roll from one end of a room to another. He also got his first tooth this week. He'll be running his first track race before we know it! I attached some pics of him on his 6 month day of life!
Jaxon... he is just too funny these days and I'm just going to write a few quotes for you to enjoy and so I don't forget them!
On the way to Sunday school one morning he is pouting in the back and telling me "I don't want to learn about Jesus today.... I want to learn about Baseball!" A true all American BOY!
When one of us is "stressing' a bit Jaxon will sometimes reply with a "Everything's great, your life is hard." comment in an all too familiar sarcastic tone like his dad!
A month ago Jaxon wanted to marry me someday when he grew up...after VBS last week I have been replaced. 5 days of last week he talked about his "two favorite teachers" at VBS...all the time! He couldn't wait to get to VBS and when it was over he told me "I wish I lived at VBS so my favorite teachers would know where to find me when they wanted to see me." He still tells me he misses them and that he's "too shy" to talk to them at the pool (where we see them some). First crush?!? I've never known this kid to be shy, but he was hiding behind my leg and eying these gals at the pool.... sigh, perhaps it's just begun!
Hope you are all having a good summer! Look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!
great new pics!!! love it. and the quotes are so jaxon. :)
Happy 1/2 Birthday to your baby boy! I can't believe he got a tooth before Myles did! I absolutely love the new pictures. THe one of the two boys in the grass is AWESOME! I finally updated my blog, if you are surfing. See ya Sunday!
The last pic is my fav, you should def. get that one enlarged and framed, nice work. Thanks again for the fun fun day yesterday, I loved hanging out with you and your boys and the pizza was icing on the cake. I hope that becomes a regular summer activity, and we'll get the pizza next time!
Wow! We found your blog through Becky's, and we're so happy to "see" you guys! The kids STILL talk about (at random times) Farmer Dave and how he jumped over cars and chairs. And your children are so beautiful. Miss you guys.
Heather and Mike and crew
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