Here are the boys on one of the last hot days... classic picture of our two boys personalities! Jaxon being his silly self and Austin not really caring what's going on around him! (and of course filling his mouth with whatever is in grabbing distance!)

Yes, it's that time of year and I think I heard Dave say "I've got goose bumps I'm so excited football is here!" I suppose only another boy can feel that "goose-bumpy" about football...like his oldest son :) Jaxon sporting his CF gear for the first CF home football game. He was really excited to go with dad and some good friends of ours. Lately Jaxon has been talking about when he can go to Peet and play football. (Peet is the junior high school he will attend...in SEVEN years! Ha!)

Austin is starting to get the hang of feeding himself... he gets frustrated when he drops it before it gets to his mouth :)

Jaxon and Dad took their first "Boys Weekend". They drove up to Minneapolis and stayed downtown, went to a Vikings game, and a really cool indoor park with a pool. Jaxon was SO excited for this weekend!! I think this has started a yearly tradtion with his favorite dad :-) Someday Austin will join them, but for now he gets to hang with mom for some one on one time.

While the boys were gone on boys weekend I let Austin "explore" the house. We got everything out of cupboards that he could reach, we built tupperware towers, played the drums on pots and pans, and pulled out all the bottom pantry food boxes. Honestly, it was so much fun to do with him and see his little face get excited as he found more. Of course, I have created a monster now when I am trying to do anything in the kitchen... but it's so fun to watch him be curious and have fun!

This is Jaxon after his first day of preschool... Jaxon was still napping everyday for anywhere from 1-3 hours...depending on his level of playing for that day! I started to work him into an every other nap day schedule a few weeks before school to prep him a bit. He cashed out on the couch that first night!! He's doing okay with the new schedule, but you can count on a 3 hour nap almost every Tuesday and Thursday right now! And, that's with a 8:30/9:00 bedtime! Play hard, sleep hard! Jaxon from day one!

This week we celebrated my grandma Boots 70th birthday. My grandma has been a special part of my life since I can remember...I have many great memories with her and she has taught me a lot through life. She is one of the most hospitable people I know and I've learned many cooking secrets from her! As I was reading through an old journal awhile ago (6th grade) I had written an entry about my best friends and my grandma Boots made the list! That's the kind of grandma she is :) I hope I look half as good as her when I am 70 years old! I think she's beautiful! Inside and out!

And, of course I had to make my end of the summer salsa, yummy!! Sadly, I didn't have my own garden full of tomatoes this year... but my sister in laws, Heidi and Sara, came in with enough for me to make 1 batch. Thanks gals... I meant to get you some, but it all got eaten already! Next year, I promise :)
Well, even though fall isn't "officially" here, it has began at our house. Fall cleaning, football, baking, new sunday school classes, and so on... makes me feel like making an apple pie...think that's just what I'll go do... Have a great beginning to your 2008 fall season!!!
that was a great blog entry. just fun to read. and by the way, just have to tell you again, that salsa was amazing. oh and the surprising news i forgot to tell you, mark ABSOLUTELY loved it. he wants me to get the recipe and try to make it. :)
Ahhh fall in Iowa. The leaves changing, Hawkeye Football (which I miss so very much), and the idea that cold winter weather is soon around the corner.
As I type this, it is 94 degrees here and I know that I will probably only have one maybe two weeks of winter. Winter meaning temperatures in the 30's.
Looking forward to seeing ya'll over Thanksgiving. We'll be there the entire week.
Jess.. all three of your boys are precious. I love the 'boys weekend' idea. Someday Dave can take them both and you can have a 'mommy' weekend!! Luke said that Jaxon was fun at the football game.
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