Tuesday, January 27, 2009

snow, snow, snow

I've been meaning to post some snow pictures, so I'd remember what the winter has been like. Then a friend from Texas emailed me to brag that they get to stay home from work today due to: yup, snow. So, this is for me and you down in Texas who may have forgotten what a real snow day looked like :) The pic above is out our back office window into the open lots behind our house... our two season porch has been covered in snow and the walkway to get to that ladder left out this fall is at least 3 feet deep. Therefore, it will stay until spring I'm sure :)

One of our back decks off the season porch...

This is the first steps out of our front door, before shoveling after a "light" snow one Saturday night. I'm getting kind of used to the Sunday morning shovelings!

This is the first step out of our back sliding doors off the dining room onto another deck. It is at least 2 feet deep. We haven't used this door all winter!!! The grill is covered too!

Our outdoor table set may be a little chilly for evening meals right now :)

Believe it or not, there are two decks under this snow... you would never know it right now and would probably fall down the steps leading to them if you tried!

There is a little flower garden and a pond next to these stairs... I think I forgot to get the fish out again this fall. Poor little guys never knew what hit them. Good thing they are only 29 cents at Walmart to replace.

Of course, snow can be wonderful and fun at times too! Mason & Jaxon sledding in the backyard!

Making forts and tunnels in our front yard....

The boys relaxing after some serious fort making!

So...Happy Snow Day to you down south! What a pretty picture it does make this time of year!


Mom said...

Jess-these are great pics of the snow so far this winter! Does the friend from Texas happen to have the initals JM? :) Hi JM!!


jer said...

Come on now people, I can't help that we live in a state that comes to a halt when there is some feezing rain (no snow at all today).

I just laugh and enjoy my day off. Chances are good for another day off tomorrow too.

Thanks for the snow pictures...I miss it for about 2 minutes. 60 degrees by the end of the week. :)

Lyle, Sara, Elsie, and Lane McIntosh said...

I love the comment about the fish- that cracked me up LOL!!! Though it is not fun to drive in or freeze in, the snow is very pretty :-) Graet pics! The snow forts bring back my own childhood memories- can't wait to make some with our lil ones someday :-) Jaxon will have to come out to the farm sometime- i'm sure theres TONS of places to make more forts here!