My goodness... when did our baby start being so big? It happens so fast doesn't it? One minute you are trying to juggle a baby in your arms while you stir supper on the stove and then next you are letting that same child help you put things in the pot to cook for dinner. Austin is growing so much and each day it seems he adds things to his "accomplished" list! This month he turned the big 16 months...almost a year and a half since he's been here. I can hardly remember what it was like without him in the family! He is getting funnier as he gets older... He has this quiet way about him of causing each of us to laugh out loud daily. He is still a lovey little boy. He loves to snuggle on your lap, lay on the couch with you, or just hang out on your hip :) He's also VERY busy these days. My house is a disaster zone most days. It takes him 30 seconds to fill our floors with anything from dishes, balls, blocks, blankets, shoes, cloths...whatever he can get his hands on and "play" with! I must say that while the constant mess drives me crazy at times, I do love the constant reminder that I am blessed with little ones in my house each day. I know someday when all my things stay in place for long periods of time and I only sweep once a week instead of 3 times a day, that I will miss the days when little hands and feet filled my home. Oh, these are great days! Here are a few pics of Austin during this stage of life! Enjoy!

Each night Austin still has a bottle before bed. He started this routine all on his own. He gets his bottle and instantly takes off for the couch. He crawls up on his own and lays in the same spot every night with his blankie and just guzzles his bottle. Such a silly boy!

This is an example of Austin's new smile! Every time I get the camera out he "cheeses' til I take it! It's so funny and I can never get one with his open these days!! These were the boys at the McIntosh side Easter egg hunt in the barn.

Austin has a new buddy... our next door neighbor comes to our house each day. I started watching Jacob a couple weeks ago and the boys are 2 months apart. They are learning to have fun together! Austin is cheesing again here!!

Our big boy!

Being funny at the dinner table. Rarely a dull moment here :) I'm sure this Hansen boy will be just as entertaining as the first two in the house!!
Happy 16 months, buddy! Say cheese!! :)
Thank you for welcoming me into the blogging world :) Austin is such a big boy!!
ha ha i LOVE the cheese face. too funny!!!
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