Well, Austin has been spending hours riding bike... he has mastered making it go forward with his feet on the ground and gets moving pretty fast!
We spent a long afternoon up in Denver with some of Dave's siblings and families one day. Uncle Aaron was very generous to be the "fun guy" in the pond. Jaxon loved getting thrown into the air! Weeeee!
Dave's sister, Holly and husband Kyle, recently moved into their new house after building it themselves for the last year. One of the perks is it comes with a pond! Here's Dave dad after he purchased life jackets so that most of us could play in the water together... I think I heard a water-polo match is coming up? That could be interesting with 11 adults and 13 little ones! We look forward to many family gatherings at the Matthias pond!
If you look close enough you'll see Jaxon and cousin Kyler hanging out on a raft in the pond. These two were the first ones in and the last ones out. :-) Fun times!
Whoo-hoo! Dave and I got a date night in this last week! Our good friends, Mark & Kris, watched the kids and here are Addelyn and Austin having a drink together :)
Slip n slide... Jaxon fixed it up so the pool was at the end of the hill in our yard and they slid for hours down the slide and into a water filled pool. There were a couple days we were out doing this by 8am! Summer mornings can be fun!!
Roger from next door has been helping Jaxon learn to ride with no training wheels!! Keep trying Jaxon!!!
We've been enjoying our flower gardens. It's always nice to see your hard work pay off in such pretty shades of color.
Jaxon attended TWO VBS's. Mason and Jaxon spent two weeks in a row traveling to Naz and Orchard Hill for Crocodile Dock!! We're still dancing to the tunes from these two weeks!
You're having such a fun summer with your boys!! Where did you find the good sweet corn? We're ready for it too!!
yum i got hungry for sweet corn too!!! and gosh i still need to post our trip too!!! :)
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