Thursday, February 11, 2010

snow buddies

Even in the middle of the winter we can find SOMETHING to do outside!!!  When the temps get above freezing we find our way into layers of clothes and into the white outdoors. Jaxon loves to build snow tunnels and Austin loves to do what most 2 year olds do in the snow... eat it. The best is when Austin holds his arms up spread wide and looks up to the sky and shouts "nooooooo".  His version of a very happy boy in "snoooow". Everybody needs a snow buddy to make snow so enjoyable each day!


Becky Bartlett said...

Fun!!! I'm hoping this will be our boys next winter! Too hard to get them both out this year, but looking forward to some tunnels of our own. Does Mom climb in there, too??

Kris Hoskinson said...

i can just hear him saying "nooooooooooo!" (snow!!!) :)

Ashley Schrage said...

These snow pictures are too cute!
PS: I love the Duggers :)