Saturday, October 23, 2010

cousins camp!

Okay, this is about 2 months old, but I have to post about this before I forget! Just a warning too... there a bazillion pictures with this post because I could hardly pick from the 224 I actually took in less then 24 hours :-)  This was our first annual Brody side cousins camp! As a kid, my grandmother would invite us grandkids to all come and stay over-night. She would plan treasure hunts and read books and make up a big bed on the floor and make yummy food. I loved it. I was really close with my cousins growing up and they were some of my best friends in high school. On Dave's side we now have 14 grandkids. And, they are getting big enough to sleep over without crying, no diapers, and can for the most part hold their own...thus making it easy to hold cousins camp! I really want our kids to know their cousins well, to see family as some of their closest friends, and experience life with a loving close knit of people around them. I was so excited to put on Cousins Camp!! (name taken from my friend Ellen who's g'ma actually does this and calls it Cousins Camp!!)

So... let the festivities begin....

 We had three legged races...

 Went swimming....
 Had water balloon wars...
 Did the water balloon toss...
 Tie dyed t-shirts....

 Ate dinner together...

 Sat around the campfire...
 Made smores...

 Slept in one big pile on the floor... (might I say this was the cutest thing I had seen once they were all asleep!) Oh...and watched a movie too!

 Ate breakfast on the deck together...
 Went on a little trip to Hartman Reserve for a hike, treasure hunt, and playing at the playground...

 And finished our day with lunch and frozen treats...
The vote at the end of the camp was to do it again next year!!! Only longer :-)


Kris Hoskinson said...

that is an awesome recap! such a fun memory for all of the kids!

Ryan and Leah said...

Weekends at Grandma's with my cousins were one of my favorite memories too. What an awesome idea and nice work putting it all together!!

Becky Bartlett said...

What fun!! Great work putting all that together- such fun memories for the cousins!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we have someone like you to make this happen. You are the best Aunt Jess. Thank you!!!