Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a helping hand

I can't let this season go by without without brinigng light to the simple gestures that make life so much better for me when I am adjusting to something new in life, such as a new baby :)  Bringing Carson home has been a beautiful, wonderful time for me... but I would be lying if I said it hasn't been hard at times. A new baby brings a big shift into this family dynamic and while we couldn't be happier with our new bundle of joy, we are having to figure out a new routine here amongst us five.
My mornings are getting a bit more in rythem as I try to balance being up before my 2 big boys in time to have their breakfast made, clothes laid out, school things ready, myself clothed if not showered, and time for nursing before I get Jaxon out the door to school. Some mornings I go to school in my shorts I wore to bed and my hair under a hat. Some mornings Carson cries longer then I prefer while I finish packing a school snack or brushing my 3 year olds teeth.
The day is filled with baby feedings, diaper changes, baby cooing, getting baby to take a nap or two or three, a tiny bit of house maintance, and as much time as I can give to Austin to explore outside or ride a bike or paint his name or work on his numbers or read from his Bible or anything else he'd like to try or learn. Lunch is made or pulled out from the fridge and enjoyed around the table together, usually while I nurse Carson and attempt to eat at the same time. Books are read and Austin naps and I care for Carson some more. I might make a grocery list or two, read a devotion, sort some laundry, return phone calls and emails, pick up a room, or on a really good day...sneak in a nap! We get Jaxon and have snacks and hear about his day.
Then the part of the day comes when I try to figure out what exactly we are going to eat for dinner. Some days I got it down and some days...not so much! This is where I feel so much gratitide for the friends and family in my life who have carved time out of their own lives to prepare food at their house, make a mess of their kitchen, clean up their kithcen, tend to their own kids while doing this, and haul a wonderful meal over to our house to enjoy a yummy home cooked meal.
I can not explain the amazing gift of a good meal while I transition here as a mom of three :) We had an out pour of helping hands bring us awesome meals after Carson was born. I couldn't think of anything more helpful during this stage and I really want to remember just how great this gesture was to me, so I can pay it forward myself in the future. I even have 3 meals in my freezer made by friends for when I return to work next week doing daycare here.  My mind rests a little better knowing I can take "prepare a good nutritional meal for family" off my list for a few days as we keep walking forward in this new stage and figure life out a bit more each day.  So to all you out there who has ever taken a meal to a friend, family member, neighbor, or even stanger.... THANK YOU for being a helping hand at that time.  It is by far one of my most favorite gifts!!!!

1 comment:

Becky Bartlett said...

Agreed!! That has been the biggest blessing around here, too! You are such a fantastic mommy!!