Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy 8 years!

 Happy Birthday to our 8 year old today! I know this is what everyone says... but I really can't believe he is EIGHT today!! It's going so fast and he is a wonderful first son. I am still learning to see him though God's eyes and every time I learn something new about him, I am so honored to be his mom and oh so very thankful. 8 is a fun age of many new things and stages. We're excited to have an 8 year old around here for the next year and just celebrate his life today, like everyday!! We love you sweet baby boy :)

 First Birthday (My red eye is a mix of me crying a bit and a bad eye infection, seriously. :)

Hours old.... oh, what a beautiful day!!!

More on our recent 8 year old soon!!

1 comment:

Becky Bartlett said...

Happy Birthday, Jaxon!!! (Did you pose Dave that way in the birth picture??) :)