Monday, April 16, 2012

sound of music

Okay, one of our new adventure's here at our house is the addition of a new piano! I've always known that I wanted my children to have some sort of experience with piano. For a handful of reasons... from being well-rounded, helping with concentration, coordination, building self-esteem (it's a lot of dedication and hard work to learn piano as a kid), benefits academic performance (especially math), and hopefully some day they can use their musical abilities to serve within our church. As Jaxon entered kindergarten I got more serious about looking for pianos. We have a friend who is a piano tuner and between him and a few other friends, I've had eyes watching for a good deal for a couple years. (Good deal meaning almost free, yet quality instrument since our budget doesn't leave much room for such a buy)! We finally found one from a great family and Q checked it out and promised it was a very good instrument to invest in. Thanks to Grandma Pat & Grandpa James, we now have a new (to us) beautiful piano. Thankfully, my parents had me in piano lessons for a handful of years and I know enough to get Jaxon through first couple years of lessons. We'll probably need to find a "real" teacher by that point! 
Jaxon is so excited to learn and has already mastered a couple songs. We had our first real lesson this last week. I forgot what a new piano player sounded like... he is doing well, but I am looking forward to hearing the boys play away to a real tune :) Between the three of them, the chances of that happening are good, right?
Yeah for our piano playing adventure and the sound of music in our home! Thanks to Quentin and the grandparents and my brother August (heavy lifting people!) for making it happen! (also- if you ever need an absolutely fantastic piano tuner...Quentin is your guy!!! Seriously. He's pretty darn good!)


Kevin Osborn said...

When I was young, I wanted piano lessons... (I still want piano lessons), my 3 sisters had then and hated them, but in that day (my Dad said) boys don't play piano... I am glad for you all... a

Kris Hoskinson said...

love love LOVE IT!