Celebrating another first birthday in this house today. Well, actually, we will be celebrating in our van as we drive to a lake in Minnesota, but none the less we are celebrating this boy. He arrived loud and ready to go. He has begged me to twist and change more then anything else ever has and together we have arrived at his first birthday with stretch marks from growing so much...his you can see in the way he laughs and walks and chases footballs and claps and holds onto your fingers as he cruises. Mine you maybe can't see physically, but the evidence is on my heart. It's been one heck of a year. Happy Birthday to my Carson baby who we all love so very, very much.
Happy 1st birthday sweet Carson!! Hope you're having fun on vacation:)
He's just so doggone cute, Jess. That photo of him crying in his little white shirt and khaki pants--such a great expression. Happy birthday, darling Carson and may God bless your little life!
His one month picture cracked me up. Happy Birthday Carson!
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