Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We...learned to swim!

Looking back, I skipped a lot of blogging late summer. Lets just say I took a little break from a lot of things the end of this last summer. But I don't want to forget some of our summer days, so bear with me for a few days while I catch up my photos or just check back in a week after I'm done and back to present day posts. Thanks for joining us over at the Hansen's house!

We always get a pool pass and more then use it up with all our trips. Both boys were in lessons this year too and luckily it was HOT for them first thing in the morning (not so much for us lesson watchers :).
 Austin grew leaps and bounds compared to last year. He was eager and willing and soaked in everything Miss Jen taught him. What a champ!
 A friend of mine and I have been coordinating swim lessons together for 6 years. Between all our kids and the big ones actually in lessons we almost always manage to have a set of adult eyes on each kid as some point through-out the hour long session and each have a back-up in case one of us can't be there one day.
So thankful for our operation!!

 Carson spent his time mastering his climbing skills...he has the moves to prove it today as he climbs on kitchen counters and out of cribs! (Really, this child might be the end of me :)

 Happy swimmer boy!

 Miss Jen teaches the 3-5 year old group. Can you guess how old she is? You'd be shocked. She has done this for over 50 years. We love her!

 Miss Jen tells all our kids they will be a champion when they are done learning to swim. And they almost always earn themselves a colored nose for all their hard-work.

 Learning to swim better, means more freedom in the pool. Austin loved it!

 Jaxon is moving along in his levels and spent a lot of his time learning life-saving skills, mastering swim stokes, and the diving boards!

 He learned to flip off the board old!

 He has been a little fish from day one...

 And thanks to 90 mornings, this boy just couldn't help himself. I don't blame him. Did I mention it was HOT?
Austin loved having buddies in his class and these two never disappoint together. Little champions! Proud of all the kids hard-work once again spent in the water!

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