Tuesday, December 11, 2012

one of many

This time of year brings many traditions. I love it. My boys are old enough to have been in the rhythm long enough to know what is coming each year and it is such a fun feeling when they look forward to little and big events just as much as us. Every year we designate a day our "Holiday Fun Day".  We spend the day baking oodles of yummy treats, watching Christmas movies, reading Christmas books, wrapping gifts, and delivering plates of food at the end of the day.  We had an extra day off from school, so we started a little bit of our baking last week... the real Holiday Fun Day is yet to come! It's always a surprise day, I usually let the kids skip school (shhhhhh), and we all enjoy a surprise day of Christmas fun. This time of year is a busy season outside our home and I have made this day all about slow and simple and just being home together, uninterrupted. And it is one I look forward to, just as much as my growing boys.

 Carson found this baking thing oh.so.great!

 Whats a Christmas season without a good sugar cookie?

 Little hands busy at work.

 And the little hnds will just keep coming to this counter for years to come...a blessed home filled with little people we have!

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