Monday, March 11, 2013

8 year old high-lights

Our firstborn turns 9 tomorrow! What a growing year this last one has been. As I look back through pictures I am reminded just how small our big boy is, yet also very ready to step into bigger roles as a little person developing his own personality and character. A few high-lights from his year as an 8 year old...

 He started to play basketball a bit more consistently with a great group of other boys... it has been fun watching these guys learn the basics of the sport and have fun while they do it.

 Jaxon isn't one to jump right in to making himself feel too out of place...but mixed up clothes day at school got him last spring! He had fun with it :)

 Jax finished 2nd grade dual-enrolled between public school and home-school. We loved working outside all spring!!

 And he performed in his first ever play. His Youth Art Team researched, wrote, and performed the play on the Five Sullivan Brothers. Super fun! Great group!! (They are back in session this spring...follow their photography project at )

 Friends are becoming more important this past year. I've seen the draw towards them more as he wants to have friendships and be part of a circle of peers. 

 And it is never too late to train them to be romantic :) Even if it means all your yard flowers are picked! A surprise bouquet from my boy...melt my heart.

 He also every so often will write one of us a little note... this one for his Dad today.

 Who can forget the chic fun we had arrive this last year? Jax was awesome as soon as they arrived and he has kept feeding/watering care over them ever since... we're working on the "do everything without complaining, as if working for the Lord" lesson some days :)

 Being 8 brought a little more responsibilities... a good helper he can be when he wants to!

 His competitive side still comes out daily. This last summer he ran the Sturgis race and was beat by a...girl! He is determined to win this year :)

 You can often find him with one of his little brothers on his back...piggy back rides or wrestling or spinning around or flopping them onto our bed. 

And my big boy has been having some cooking and baking lessons this last year.  I started by buying box desserts for him to practice following directions and learning measurements. He has done really well...this kid can whip up a homemade apple pie with me pretty darn quick these days!! I love having him alongside me in the kitchen.

A few more to come!


Gretchen McIntosh said...

This was fun to read, Jess. (facebook has opened a new world to me...welcome to the present, right? Well, doing my best...anyway!) It will be a treasure to you when the kids are grown, to read what you're writing now.

Kris Hoskinson said...

Love this post. How in the world do you have a nine year old? Happy birthdayJaxon!

Becky Bartlett said...

Nine... unreal!! Happy Birthday, Jaxon!!