Don't let this late announcing fool you...we are so thrilled this little
girl is here! But our days are filled with holding a wee one and
chasing a wild one and watching a curious one and listening to a very
talkative one. Add on beautiful weather finally, a backyard filled with
fun, and a new basketball hoop for our chatty one and you've got not too
many minutes left in the day if you want to catch some shut eye before
it all starts over again. Thus, the blog break :) But here I am finally
getting some pics downloaded and some words put together to share this
very good news...

She is here! Savannah Grace arrived on a rainy Sunday evening at 10:02pm on May 26th, 2013. She weighed in at 8'1 and 21 inches long. The first thing I saw on her when she reached out to me from my womb was those famous two dimples on both her cheeks...just like her Mama's and all three big brothers. Oh, and her huge hands! She has been an overflowing cup of goodness with a lot of sweetness oozing from her too. If you can't tell...we love her a little bit :)
The Sunday she was born started off fairly normal...I slept terrible the night before and we decided to take a Sunday off from church and just relax together one last lazy Sunday before we were no longer just us five. We spent the rainy morning doing not much of anything. My Instagram photo said "Perfect rainy day...slept in til 8:30, skipped church (oops), smoothie yumminess & donuts, mama took a nap already, and the sound of the rain as our background while we all lay around. Love unplanned days like this :)" Little did I know at that moment just how unplanned it was!
For the couple weeks before this day, I had been having regular mild contractions, was dilated to almost a 4, and was 75% effaced! I thought for sure she was coming earlier then later. All this early prep my body was doing had my hubby asking daily..."are you having a baby today"? over and over and over... Sigh, no, I kept saying over and over and over.
As I stood in my kitchen listening to my firstborn tell me a basketball story (for the 4th time, same story :) I felt a trickle...then a large trickle down my legs. Trying to pause the BB story, but not succeeding, I blurted out to him to wait because I was peeing my pants :) He hates to be interrupted and acted annoyed and I ran into the bathroom. I emptied my bladder, not sure if I just peed or my water was leaking. I cleaned up and went on back out to hear the rest of his story... Half an hour later I had the same large trickle happen again. Hmmm....I think I will shower just in case I thought. As I got out of the shower Dave came up the stairs and said, like everyday..."Are you having a baby today"? "I think so". I responded. "Seriously...oh". He said back. About an hour later I called my mid-wife, Kim. This was about 2pm.
After several other small gushes, Kim assured me my water broke and it was the day! I always hesitate to call, because I don't want to be that mom that goes up to Labor & Delivery over every little thing. And it was very possible I was peeing my pants based on my history of the last couple months :) I wasn't having huge contractions so we agreed to meet in a couple hours. We took our time packing bags, hanging with the boys, making sure our college roommate was home, calling my sister-in-law who comes to all my labor/deliveries with me, and then I turned off my phone as we headed up to the hospital. I didn't want to be distracted or interrupted as we spent these precious next few hours experiencing the arrival of baby girl.

The labor and delivery of our little lady went just as unplanned as she was! Since my water broke, I got checked right away, and had a fore-sack blocking the main bag of water. Upon breaking of that fore-sack, I had a large gush and contractions started almost within an hour. I really wanted an epidural and we even attempted to get one, but I transitioned too fast and it never took. At 7pm I was a full 10, but little miss was sideways (transverse). I will keep the next long few hours to myself and those in the room... but it was a long few hours of trying to get her in the correct head down position to arrive smoothly. I went into this delivery not mentally prepared to do a natural birth, but about two hours in I had to give myself a mini-self pep talk! I can not say enough about my amazing mid-wife. She can take control of tough situations and make them seem like calm waters for swimming. I trust her so much and just let her lead me. The nurses were awesome, my hubs was a good supporter, and my sister-in-law an encouraging quiet spirit next to me. Finally about 9:45ish we decided to push her through, sideways and all. She arrived screaming at 10:02pm and we were a sappy, tired, smitten mess. I loved her from those first seconds of seeing her. She was here! And she was still a girl! :)
Savannah has been just a joy to get to know and we are spending some very low-key days doing just that... four is a lot, not gonna lie, but these slow days at home have made the transition go really well (so far!). As I keep saying...we are still swimming, not sinking...yet! We've been so blessed with food from friends and family, help with laundry, help with taking big boys to and from their activities, help from my super awesome hubs & roomie who let me heal and recover that first week, neighbors stopping in to lend a hand, and space to find a new rythem for our new family. Summer is a perfect time of year to add a sweet baby girl to this crazy, loud, and wildly fun mix of boys and two parents overly thankful for such a crew to call our own.
I always enjoy your posts. Thanks for sharing. Congrats again on your new little addition. You're are such a great mom like I was confidant you would be when you were expecting your first. Your God inspired words always inspire me. Thanks for sharing!
Loved reading this, Jess. Such amazing pictures of those first moments. So blessed.
Such a beautiful baby girl with an *exciting* entry into the world! Savannah Grace, we are so glad you're here!
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