Sunday, August 18, 2013

We interrupt this family... is here! Well, almost. Preseason is well under way and that means boys have been to training camp, preseason games, and are ready for the real thing to get this party started!! I gave in a long time ago. I knew I married a die-hard Vikings fan. I did not realize I married a die-hard football fan until we had kids. There is no swaying the main man of this house away from football. Believe me. I've tried. But what used to annoy me as I said no to one more fun fall thing away from the screen on Sunday has turned into a pretty great tradition in our house. Our boys love spending football weekends with their dad and they each get up to MN a time or two each fall for a weekend made of memories under the dome lights and time with their Dad. I love it, too. What used to be a pain in my apple orchard and pumpkin patch planning has become our fall fun for sure. 

So here we are again, football season for all... and though I may be chasing little ones and carrying babies around...I am cheering from the corners of the house. Cheering for football, but mostly cheering for my football loving boys doing their "thing" together. Go Team Hansen!
 Austin on his way out for his turn this summer. Jaxon, Dad, & cousin Curren went to Vikings Training Camp and the following weekend Austin went to his preseason game with his Dad.

 He was super pumped. But mostly for the hotel and next day fun at the Zoo :)

and the tradition lives on...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back to School!

It is much too early to be gathering all these kids back to school if you ask me, but back to school we went just this last the middle of August with summer days left to the side while we piled too big backpacks on our kids and sent them to bed before dark so they could be ready learners! This year we had two heading back. Our big 4th grader and our little kindergartner! Jaxon was ready to get back (and I was ready for him to get back...he needs people!!) and Austin was willing to go, a bit neutral about the whole thing.  I remember when this fall seemed forever away in my head...sending them both at the same school. Blink. Off they go...

Doesn't Austin's bag look as big as him? 
Back to School night! Crazy and chaotic, but the boys loved seeing their rooms and running into some familiar faces. A little dinner out afterwards to celebrate the new season starting and here we go...
Our two school aged boys!

We always make a back-to-school cake together the day before...this year we had two boys ready to indulge on the new year and the treats :)
Austin hopped out of bed the first day, got himself dressed, could hardly eat a bite of breakfast, and was ready with a few minutes to spare. 

Jaxon looked SO big at my breakfast table!!

Last year at this time Austin was excited until it was time to actually go. His preschool teacher sure helped him conquer his dislike for school in the beginning last year and I know his lack of tears this year partly came as a lesson learned from her that scary beginnings can end up being really good things. 
Jax has an awesome teacher this year!! We might be biased, but we liked her before we knew we had her :) Remember our roomie, Natalie? Jax has Nat's cousin for a teacher and we've known her for years. It's gonna be a great year!!
And this picture just makes me smile! This boy was confidant and ready! His teacher is also a gem in the teaching field with years of experience, a heart for Jesus, and patience for this boy. Austin will be doing part time home-school (half days) and we're thrilled to work with his teacher this year!!

The boys had a good first few days. Austin said his favorite part of day so far is "alone time" and recess. So my kid.  Jaxon likes his teacher the most so far :) And talking with friends before school. So my extrovert son. Feeling great about this school year! And here we go...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

for the love of...chickens!?

These two are at such a fun age to love the wonder of feathered friends roaming our yard and taking up the back corner of our green space out back. They are both animal lovers and some days I come out to find them like this...

Feathered friends in hand...
Carefully examining each little claw-foot and beaks...
Hugging and holding...
And slowing down to enjoy a beautiful summer morning with their favorite backyard hens!
We love us some chickens :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Future Grass Cutter...almost!

It has finally happened. One of our kids is close to learning the trade of...grass cutting. It was like this ah-ha moment when I realized that perhaps my husband and I won't forever be trying to maintain this home by ourselves :) For real though, Jaxon came home from his buddy's house and after witnessing his pal ride comfortable across their acres long yard he asked to cut ours. Our answer? Heck yes. 

The ask was followed by excitement and it kind of went down hill from there...
First, we don't have a fun riding lawn mower. Oh my goodness...he would actually have to PUSH the mower. Second, it was sunny out...he might actually have to sweat a little. Third, we are way to picky...why should he have to get the whole yard and why can't you leave foot long gaps in the yard?  Needless to say, we are practicing and this chore isn't yet ready to hand down!! Someday though, someday. 

Can his face tell you how "excited" he was when he realized he had to work a little bit?

 He didn't even get the front yard finished without a front yard scene and some tears...

 But by the time I finished the front yard, he had pulled himself together and sweated through the back... It's kind of humbling when your MOM can mow. 

 He actually started to give it some effort...

 And a little pride started to grow as he realized he could do this!

 He hasn't asked again yet, but the joy of accomplishing this one afternoon has given him some confidence to talk about it... and talk is cheap until you show what you got! Good thing he is my competitive son. I see a boy behind the mower again soon :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

the rest of MN summer

Our Mn trip was slow moving and fairly uneventful... exactly what we were looking for in a good family trip this summer.  Lots of just hanging out, roaming the beautiful land, and time outdoors in the fresh air with no interruptions. Wonderfully good for the soul! Both my "babies" fell asleep more then once in my arms as we explored the trails and that alone was enough to fill my happy places! Love trips away with my crew and coming home is always bittersweet... 

 front yard golfing...

star-gazing night...29 shooting stars 

millions of fireflies to be chased...

hours to just run in the open...

and a cold floor to sleep on...we offered him a bed, this is how he ended up

fire-wood to gather

and first fires to be made by this growing boy

afternoons to push cars around in the fresh air

beauty to be seen

biggest boy

some-where between big and little

my cup over-flows...

sweet moments...

and not so sweet moments... :)

first big smiles

UNO game after UNO games...

a 2nd birthday (and a 12 year anniversary)

brothers at it's finest

a sleepy toddler

a sleepy back-seat and another Hansen trip in the books!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Warning: Pic Overload

So I am a little slow at posting pictures of our baby girl. It's not that I don't have's the stop  long enough to download and write a post problem. Seems every time I sit to blog someone wakes up or someone gets hurt or someone needs a snack or someone wants to play or all of those things all at once... all good things to distract me from this blog at the moment! I apologize now for WAY too many pictures in one posting and if you get bored before you get to the bottom...I don't blame you :) We'll catch ya next reading!

Savannah turned 2 months last week and I already don't remember life before her. She has just fit right in here and goes with the flow pretty well. So thankful for a laid-back 4th child! (Carson- you could take a note or two here :) She weighed in at 12'9 and has got some nicely rolly polly legs starting to fill in. Her hair is very gently coming in a light blond, like Carson's. She for sure has two dimples that we see more and more these days. She eats every 2-3 hours during the day and nights aren't terrible, do-able at this point! I still think she is a sweet baby and her calm demeanor is a very welcome addition to this wild crew of boys!! A random collection of photos from her 2nd month around here...

The look on her face says it all. You just never know what Big Brother is going to do this close to you...
On another note...I see two buddies starting a fun little relationship. Carson loves her!

Savannah went to her 1st Sturgis Falls celebration...short and sweet this year (more short then sweet to be honest :)

This is how I often find these two. And if I get here for this point in the moment I can avoid the moment after when he attempts to pick her up and bring her to me...and then signs for the word "thank you" as if he is "helping". Yes, thank you Carson for not dropping your sister.

We ventured out a bit more in the 2nd month and were able to meet some new faces. Great-Grandma Brody here at the July 4th fun.

1st 4th of July (don't be fooled, I didn't get a pic the real day so put their red, white, and blue clothes on them the next day for a group pic of them :)
This is normal here.

Sweet big brother and sweet little sister. 

Sav is much more alert during her awake times now. It's so fun to see her check out the world around her...

And she is finding herself part of the blankie babes around here...

Her little cheeks are filling in and I could kiss them 100 times a day...or maybe I do? :)
We had some out of state visitors, too!! My dear friend Alissa came to hold the only pink babe in the house!
Baby Girl... 2 months old. We just love her a little :)