Saturday, August 3, 2013

Warning: Pic Overload

So I am a little slow at posting pictures of our baby girl. It's not that I don't have's the stop  long enough to download and write a post problem. Seems every time I sit to blog someone wakes up or someone gets hurt or someone needs a snack or someone wants to play or all of those things all at once... all good things to distract me from this blog at the moment! I apologize now for WAY too many pictures in one posting and if you get bored before you get to the bottom...I don't blame you :) We'll catch ya next reading!

Savannah turned 2 months last week and I already don't remember life before her. She has just fit right in here and goes with the flow pretty well. So thankful for a laid-back 4th child! (Carson- you could take a note or two here :) She weighed in at 12'9 and has got some nicely rolly polly legs starting to fill in. Her hair is very gently coming in a light blond, like Carson's. She for sure has two dimples that we see more and more these days. She eats every 2-3 hours during the day and nights aren't terrible, do-able at this point! I still think she is a sweet baby and her calm demeanor is a very welcome addition to this wild crew of boys!! A random collection of photos from her 2nd month around here...

The look on her face says it all. You just never know what Big Brother is going to do this close to you...
On another note...I see two buddies starting a fun little relationship. Carson loves her!

Savannah went to her 1st Sturgis Falls celebration...short and sweet this year (more short then sweet to be honest :)

This is how I often find these two. And if I get here for this point in the moment I can avoid the moment after when he attempts to pick her up and bring her to me...and then signs for the word "thank you" as if he is "helping". Yes, thank you Carson for not dropping your sister.

We ventured out a bit more in the 2nd month and were able to meet some new faces. Great-Grandma Brody here at the July 4th fun.

1st 4th of July (don't be fooled, I didn't get a pic the real day so put their red, white, and blue clothes on them the next day for a group pic of them :)
This is normal here.

Sweet big brother and sweet little sister. 

Sav is much more alert during her awake times now. It's so fun to see her check out the world around her...

And she is finding herself part of the blankie babes around here...

Her little cheeks are filling in and I could kiss them 100 times a day...or maybe I do? :)
We had some out of state visitors, too!! My dear friend Alissa came to hold the only pink babe in the house!
Baby Girl... 2 months old. We just love her a little :)

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