Tuesday, July 14, 2009

half way point

I have just been thinking the last few days that we are at about the half way point... the spot between when summer vacation started and when school begins again. I LOVE summer time, always have, I'm sure always will. I used to cruise through summer time hardly thinking twice about the end nearing, except for looking forward to sweet corn and fall days to begin. This is a weird summer because I love all the summer things we are doing. However, I'm doing my best to s-l-o-w our everyday lives down here in our home, so that I really embrace these last summer days with my two boys before Jaxon heads off to school.
I love having my kids home with me and I'm not really the type of mom who flips calendar days off the chart just waiting til the kids go back to school. (at least not yet anyways- :) It has been such good learning moments for me lately... really stopping what I'm doing and just playing, or reading with the kids more, or ignoring the phone and just being outside... whatever our day brings, as long as we're together. I've been thinking a lot about how busy we get here at times and we let many moments just slide by without even realizing it. I know I'm very aware these days because my daily life with Jaxon is about to change drastically, but I hope I look back and read this someday and am reminded again to just take a step back from whatever I'm doing and just be.
If I pause long enough and really embrace the moment I'm in I can truly FEEL the moment instead of just going through the motions. I want to remember these days as wonderful, just what they are, with my family!! I want my kids to remember them as me being "here" and not "there". So... just some thoughts from my mom zone these days :) I hope you are letting yourself be in your daily moments and not just letting them play out in front of you. Laundry, dishes, floors to be cleaned, and so on will all still be there tomorrow... your kids are only at this stage for this summer once! My, they grow up so fast... Embrace these beautiful summer days with your little ones!!! I'll be trying to do the same with mine! Here, here to the second half of summer!!!


Kris Hoskinson said...

ahhh jess you always inspire me. :) my house will be dirtier and messier because of you. and please take that in the best way!

Becky Bartlett said...

Good thoughts, Jess! So very very true!!

Jamie Smith said...

Jess you are not supposed to make me cry while I am at work! This is all so true and I know that I am guilty of "rushing" things sometimes :)