Sunday, December 13, 2009

almost two

Our baby boy is almost two! Is that possible? Well I suppose it is! He's gone from a very laid back and calm natured baby boy to a fairly laid back, yet energetic little boy!  He is still very content and easy to please, but he's brought out this whole new level of energy that just did not exist until about 5-6 months ago!  My sister-in-law, Holly, can confirm that after chasing him trying to get a picture of him last week!  I am greatly blessed with creative family members all around.  Holly has an eye for good pictures and she recently invested in a new camera!  She enjoys taking pictures just for fun and I lightly begged her to take some of Austin outside before it got too cold or snowy.  She wasn't hard to convince and said yes as you can see :) I LOVE the winter look outside with the snow gently covering the old leaves and dry trees.  Austin of course never sat still. Which is partly what I love about these pictures... they capture his true personality right now in his life. We've got some fun planned for our soon to be birthday boy this weekend and are pretty excited to have another official toddler in the house. Thanks Holly for spending some time with us for these pictures and just a little advice for next time (there will be a next time, right? :)...wear your running shoes! Ha-ha!


Mom said...

OH my, so cute and grown up. I remember when Jaxon wore that vest, and it doesn't seem like that long ago. Nice job Holly!

Ellen said...

Jess! I can't believe he and Addelyn are getting so old. I love love watching them grow up :).

Becky Bartlett said...

Adorable pictures! I can't believe 2 is just around the corner!! Happy Birthday, Little Buddy!

Kris Hoskinson said...

i just love these pics. that smile.....

Ashley Schrage said...

Job well done Holly! I'm sure it was no easy task :) He is too cute Jess. Love the ones of you two together!

Holly said...

Yay! Easy to take pics when the target is so darn cute! Happy early birthday, buddy!