I have a small weakness when it comes to buying good children's books. I love a good story that comes to life for a child as they listen to a book. I love escaping into a book's world and characters and feelings. I also love that as I parent and I find mysel having a hard time explaining a certain thing, life lesson, or experience that I can almost always find a book that relates to that certain thing or topic or lesson and my kids can grasp it through another way with words and pictures. I've had some great conversations lately with a few people about good books they are reading to their kids. I wanted to share a few in our weekly library. We read a lot here at the Hansen house and these books make the stack weekly, if not daily! I switch up our books as the seasons change, but some just never leave the book trunk in our living room. If you're looking for a good children's book... here's a few to pick from! My hope is that our children will learn to love books the way I do and appreciate what they can take from it each time they let themselves escape with a good read! If you have a good suggestion, leave a comment! I could not get one of our fave's to copy a picture over for me so here's a title to start you off!
How Do I Love You by PK Hallinan (a child is always loved even when they scribble on the wall, wear their pants backwards, or walk around with sacks on their head!)

It's so fun when everyone piles in bed for a nap! Even more fun when it's time to wake up!
what child doesn't get mad at their mamma for dragging them through the store! A classic that also has a "sister title" we love too... Lamma Lamma Red Pajama
You are special because the great Creator made you, just the way you are. The story is told through the eyes of a beaten up wooden doll, made by his creator, Eli.
Baba gives in and makes Nikki's snow white mittens... oh, what fun the animals of the forest have with it when he loses it! Great pictures!
You can never go wrong with an Eric Carle choice. This is a classic, must have!
Each creature loves their little ones just the same... tucking them in at the end of their day, a lullabye is sung to each little one. A must have before bed!
OKay, this one copied in spanish, my bad!! Ha! it's actually called "Hey, Little Ant". A somewhat funny story about being the little guy... ends with a great conversation question at the end for you and your little ones.
Have you ever been that kid that really wanted that certain something? Have you ever been the kid whom has had your needs taken care of and you could afford to give a bit more of your own things? Jaxon loves the story line in this book. So does mom :)
Because everyone should like themselves... no matter what googely eyes or horns or bumps you may have. We're each one of a kind!
This guy is just too cute... running, jumping, yelling for no reasons at all. Just likes the way it feels and sounds... a sweet read before nap time :)
Thanks, Jess! I plan on checking out the unfamiliar books on your list. :)
Thanks, Jess! I plan on checking out the unfamiliar books on your list. :)
Great post Jess! I have read many of them to my first graders and can't wait for Ayden to be able to sit a little longer, and out of his grabbing phase so we can read some of these! I don't like reading like I wish I did so I hope Ayden can find a love of reading like his dad!!!
thanks for the great reading list!!!
Fun list! I felt a little like I was watching Reading Rainbow! :) Just tonight, Boaz walked into the living room with his 'brown bear' book saying "Brown Bear, Brown Bear- what you see?" That's a staple at our house, too! I'll have to check out some of your other recommendations!
A lot of those are on our "favorites list" too! The Llama, Llama books are huge hits in our house! The kids got Because of You by B.G. Hennessy for Xmas (so did Lily!) and it's become a fast fav!...even though Mom gets a little teary-eyed each time I read it!
The cover of the Llama Llama book freightened me.
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