Thursday, June 27, 2013

Moving up!

Jaxon had a great year in 3rd grade. We loved his teacher who put so much into her students. He learned a bunch, was challenged, grew in the classroom as a peer and a student, and had a great attitude about school this year. What a blessing good teachers are!! Jax had a foot/heel issue this spring and had to miss like 10 days of school. His teacher called and came over on a Saturday (her idea!) to help him catch up with his school work. We saw so many examples of her going above and beyond to help Jaxon succeed in many ways. Thank you, thank you Mrs. Beisner :)

The last day of school we usually head straight to the pool... but this year we had a days old baby girl to tend to, so I was happy to get to the playground to say goodbyes and play with friends. It was back home for this crew then where summer break officially started! Whew, another year in the books! 4th we come! grew so much this year. In many ways...You skipped shoes sizes, cruised through 2 pant sizes, and have really started to step into a little young man. While just a kid, I can sense your starting to get some ideas about this world of your own. So proud of you!

 This is the first summer we have let you ride your bike around the neighborhood a bit and you've got friends popping in... a first for us and super fun for you! The last day of school we followed you home as you rode your bike solo by yourself... you did great. I might let you go next year without me :)

 The boys ready for summer!

And due to our "Welcome Summer" sign all the neighbors thought Savannah was named Summer, not Savannah!! :) We are excited to have both here!

1 comment:

Kris Hoskinson said...

Ha never thought about the Welcome Summer sign! :)